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Change-Makers Programme 2019-20: Students initiated to distribute anti-epidemic items to the public

Global Vision

With the motto “Global Vision, Local Action”, Change-Makers Programme (CMP) aims to nurture participants into responsible glocal citizens who care about the world around them. In 2019-20, the selected issue for study is "Animal Welfare". Upon returning from the overseas service trips in Australia and Malaysia, the participants of CMP have carried out a local advocacy project for “animal welfare”. They gave out student-designed mask keepers and leaflets about epidemic prevention tips for general public and pet owners. They distributed the anti-epidemic items at several dog parks and DSE exam venues.

Service trip in Australia (2)Service trip in Australia (1)Service trip in Synday, Australia

Service trip in Malaysia (1)Service trip in Malaysia (2)Service trip in Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Mask keeperAdvocacy activity - DSE Advocacy activity - dog parkStudents gave out anti-epidemic items to the public at DSE exam venues and dog parks