HKBU Community Experience Project
The project aims to provide HKBU students volunteering opportunity for not less than 54 hours during the summer vacation. Students are provided with service experience during 1 June to 31 August 2022. Students will be assigned to different NGOs or social enterprises to participant in a variety of services, including teaching, health education, environmental work, business development, multimedia creation, local ecological or cultural tourism, or other activities that benefit the community, institutional planning and service projects. Student will be allocate to different association according to students' interests, expertise, etc.
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- Background
In order to enrich students’ experience in summer, broaden their horizons and enable students to gain hands-on experience working in different community organisations despite the time under pandemic, the Leadership Quality Centre of the Student Affairs Office has organized the HKBU Community Service Project (C.E.P.) with a group of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and social enterprises(SE).
The programme will provide students with trainee experience in NGOs or SE institutions to understand the operation and get involved in different service projects. Students will be in touch with different service groups and increase their awareness of social issues in the process. In addition, students may gain valuable experience and the opportunity to learn new skills. Students may also share their insights with like-minded people and learn from each other.
Programme Objectives
- To enrich HKBU students' understanding of different NGO and SE operations
- To encourage HKBU student exploring and enrich insights into social issues
- To foster HKBU students’ caring spirit for the community
- To sharpen HKBU students with leadership skills
Service Targets
- Children and Youth
- Family
- The Elderly
- Ethnic Minorities
- Mentally and Physically Handicapped Person
- Animal
- Ecotourism and Environmental Protection Groups
1 June to 31 August 2022
All HKBU students are welcome
Date: 19, 20 April 2022
- Format: Zoom Interview
Briefing Session
Date: 28 May 2022
- Time: 10:00am - 12:00nn
Subsidy and Rewards
- Students who have completed the entire programme will be awarded $1,500 subsidy. $500 extra reward will be given for students with satisfying performance.
- Certificate will be given upon completion of the programme.
- Advantage of enrolling in future programmes (local & overseas) organised by LQC, and nomination of internal or external awards
Additional Awards
There will be a sharing session for all trainees after completion of the programme. Outstanding presenters will be awarded extra $1,000 as recognition. The maximum award per person will be $3,000 for the whole programme.
Programme Timeline
Join Us Now and Serve the Community Together!
- Details of the work description: Click HERE
香港中華基督教青年會荃灣會所 | |
豐盛社企學會 | |
基督教香港信義會 尚德青少年綜合服務中心 ELCHK, Sheung Tak Integrated Youth Service Centre | |
義遊 VolTra Hong Kong | |
美差會潮浸服務聯會 The Abm Hong Kong Swatow Baptist Church Community Service Association Limited | |
基督教香港信義會北區青少年綜合服務中心 ELCHK, North District Integrated Youth Service Centre | |
世界綠色組織 World Green Organisation | |
香港海洋公園保育基金 Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Foundation | |
坪洲綠衡者 Green Peng Chau Association | |
基督教香港信義會青年職涯發展服務 ELCHK, Youth Career Development Service | |
香港融樂會 Hong Kong Unison | |
動物社企 Animal Social Enterprise | |
扶康會「香港最佳老友」運動 Fu Hong Society “BEST BUDDIES HONG KONG” Movement | |
環保觸覺 Green Sense | |
社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development | |
小可能 Little Possie Ltd | |
關顧長者協會 |
新生精神康復會 新生農場 | |
Leadership Qualities Centre, Office of Student Affairs, HKBU
Address: Room 401, 4/F., The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Contact person: Ms Manie Choi
Telephone: (852) 3411 2279
Students' Voice