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Sharing of Scholarship Recipients - Huen Cho Ki

Huen Cho Ki


Huen Cho Ki (English Education)
Recipient of AIA Scholarship 2020-21

It is my great honor to be one of the awardees of AIA Scholarship (2020-2021). Thank you for the generous support from AIA Foundation. As a student striving for excellence in both academic and non-academic achievement, I have participated in different activities to enrich my knowledge. As a student majoring in English Education, I am keen on acquiring diversified English knowledge as well as exposing myself to an English-speaking environment. I have joined various English programmes and competitions, as well as attending different English courses to equip myself and gain professional qualifications. This year, I got the opportunity to be one of the student teachers to teach English in primary school. Through this valuable experience, it strengthened my passion as a teacher. Teachers not only instill knowledge but also provide unconditional support and guidance to the students.  

I love doing voluntary work and I have been a volunteer for 10 years. In the past, I took the role as a participant to serve the school and the community. Nowadays, I am also one of the organizers. Through organizing voluntary activities, I could understand the needs in the society, which aroused my civic awareness and social responsibility. I could also develop my communication skills, critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. After studying in the university, I gained more opportunities to participate in both local and global service. One of my precious service experiences was the Global-Y voluntary exchange programme. I collaborated with the volunteers from the United States and we organized different activities for the children. It was a unique time for volunteers to facilitate cultural exchange and share our experiences. 

With my zeal for English, my pursuit of serving the needy and the enlightenment received throughout the life journey, I will persist with my own dream and treasure every chances.

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