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Sharing of Scholarship Recipients - CHAN Chin Ching Chester

Huen Cho Ki


CHAN Chin Ching Chester (Chinese Medicine)
Padma & Hari Harilela Scholarship Fund for Outstanding Students

I am sincerely honoured to be selected as the recipient of the Padma & Hari Harilela Scholarship Fund for Outstanding Students. It is a magnificent recognition for my efforts in studying, serving, and gaining international exposure in the past two years. It also motivates me to further embrace new challenges in terms of participating in more extra-curricular activities as well as maintaining my GPA.

In high school, I had taken part in and organised social services for the low-income group, the elderly, and orphans. Those experiences have enabled me to accept the differences of every individual from different strata, hence, developing a humble attitude towards diversity. What I learnt has deeply immersed me and prompted me to follow my dream as a medical professional, especially a Chinese Medicine Practitioner, so as to continue contributing to our community.

Despite the huge academic workload, I enjoy doing voluntary work a lot as they are always joyful and rewarding. In the past 5 years, I signed up for a huge number of service programmes and found my role very satisfying, not only to offer help to the needy but also to cultivate my character. Through understanding the needs of my service target and responding to them with empathy and kindness, I have trained myself to be more compassionate, which is one of the commitments I made to myself. The most remarkable service experience was the HKBU Summer School 2022. In the programme, I noticed that underprivileged children are likely to develop lower educational and occupational aspirations, which could be related to their school performance or social-economic backgrounds. I believe that encouragement would be a huge motivation for them to work hard in the future. Therefore, I used countless nights planning and drilling meaningful activities for those children. Thankfully, the programme was a great success and I am really grateful to bring a big smile to their face. I believe that the insights I gained from these services could provide me with a more comprehensive view of how I can share my privileges to benefit others, and develop myself to be more caring and selfless.

Hopefully, one day, I could be a successful doctor helping the needy and giving back everything to the community just as the donors have helped me. Being a future medical professional, my target is saving lives, but it does not just end here. My other goals would be drawing public attention to lifestyle diseases, as well as volunteering in society by providing free medical consultations to the needy.

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