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Sharing of FGF Recipients: Wong Ying-tung

Wong Ying-tung


Wong Ying-tung (Geography)
Activity Joined: KCCA Candle Artist Instructor Class

This course taught up to 30 skills for making candles, and it is a recognized course by Korea. With the teacher's step-by-step teaching, I learned that different materials are suitable for making different candles. I also learned how to make different styles of candles. When making candles, the teacher also encouraged us to be creative.

We could use any color we want. We could also make candles with a series of colors. As my favorite color is blue, my whole work used blue as the theme. The mixing of colors was not easy. I had to try several times to test for the colors. This process has to be fast before the soy wax dried up. At the same time, we may put dried flowers in making the candles as a decoration. While burning the candle, people can smell the fragrance of dried flowers, which can bring more changes to the production of candles.

Among different candles, my favorite candle is the ice cube candle. To make it, we should first put the ice in the container. At the same time, we have to pour soy wax of two different colors into the container. The candle will show a two-color gradient, and there will also be ice patterns on the candle. The appearance of the candle will vary according to the placement of the ice. The finished product is uncontrollable. After this KCCA course, I hope I can practice candle-making more in my free time. I will explore more on the design of the candle. I also hope to sell my products in the market when I have the opportunity.

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