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Sharing of Scholarship Recipients - IP Pei Ting Inky


IP Pei Ting Inky; Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in
Analytical and Testing Sciences 

I am writing to thank you for your generous HKBU Alumni Gratitude Scholarship (AGS). I was very happy and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of your scholarship.

I am an Analytical and Testing Science major and French major, who planned to work in a position related to social innovation and business as a force for good. In a few years, I would like to study abroad for my master's degree related to environmental science and innovation. Thanks to you, I am one step closer to that goal.

To be specific, the scholarship allows me to engage more in pro bono work instead of part-time work in my spare time and invest in my future education fund. I joined Melo Project by Social Venture Hong Kong, which is a co-creation program with CEOs in related industries. I am honoured to work with Ms Randy Lai and Mr Kenny Lam from McDonald Hong Kong and 2 Sigma APAC to co-create a public campaign combating Climate Change. Along with the whole programs, listing up of joint discovery events are enabling me to hear amazing sharings by Dominic Barton Canada's ambassador to China, Peggy Choi from Lynk, Ian Choi from McDonald HK, and more on leadership, life purpose, which bring great benefit to my global vision as a world citizen, the path to leadership, working experiences as well as my résume.

Despite many working experiences that I had compared to other students I know, working with students from other educational institutions, experts in the field, and CEOs while starting a project from the stretch, I am aware of my inadequacy in problem-solving, design thinking, and communication. As Winston Churchill once said "failure is not fatal it is the courage to continue that counts", the lessons and skills I learned will be taken into all scenarios in life and my future workplace. My experience in the Melo project affirmed my intention to work with purpose and social impact in the future and when I am graduated.

By awarding me the HKBU Alumni Gratitude Scholarship (AGS), you have lightened my financial burden, which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school: learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.

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