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Sharing of Scholarship Recipients - WONG Tin Yau David

WONG Tin Yau David Photo

WONG Tin Yau David, Bachelor of Science (Hons.)
in Computer Science

As a final year student, I am honored and grateful to be a recipient of the HKBU Alumni Gratitude Scholarship. This scholarship recognizes my efforts in pursuing academic and non-academic excellence and improving my academic performance, despite facing challenges associated with my SEN status.

I have used the scholarship to cover the costs of textbooks, software, and other academic expenses, as well as to participate in academic and extracurricular activities that have enriched my university experience.

One of the key benefits of the scholarship has been the opportunities it has provided me to pursue my academic interests and develop my skills. I was able to attend additional supplementary courses related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that helped me gain a deeper understanding of this field and develop my programming skills. I also participated in a competition named Huawei ICT Competition in 2022-2023, which helped me develop my critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Despite the positive outcomes, there have been obstacles encountered along the way, as a result of my SEN status. One of the main challenges has been managing my time and balancing my academic commitments with my personal needs. I have had to learn how to manage my time effectively and prioritize my tasks to ensure that I am able to meet all of my obligations, while also taking care of my personal needs.

In the future, I plan to pursue a career in the tech industry, with a focus on using technology to solve complex business and Information Technology problems. I believe that the skills and knowledge I have gained through my major in Computer Science with an ISA concentration, as well as the extracurricular activities I have participated in, will be valuable assets in my future career. I plan to continue pursuing academic and personal growth opportunities, such as attending conferences and participating in different hackathons, to further develop my skills and broaden my perspectives.

In conclusion, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the HKBU Alumni community for their support and generosity.

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