Terms of Reference
  1. To report or make recommendations to the Senate on policies and regulations relating to student organizations, activities, discipline, amenities, services and residential life.
  2.  To consider financial and operational matters of student residences, and report and make recommendations on such matters to the Student Residence Management Board.
  3. To steer and oversee co-curricular and other student development activities which create an environment conducive to the Whole Person Education philosophy of the University, including the U-Life Programme.
  4. To receive reports from the Office of Student Affairs and approve matters relating to student affairs as recommended by the Director of Student Affairs.
  5. To appoint, when required, panels to deal with disciplinary matters in accordance with guidelines approved by the Senate, and to report the panels’ decisions to the Senate as appropriate.
  6.  To receive reports on matters related to scholarships, bursaries and loans.
  7.  To submit an annual report to the Senate at the end of the academic year.
Membership Composition
ChairpersonMembers (2024-25)
(Teaching & Learning)     
Dr. Albert CHAU
A staff member of the Student Affairs OfficeDr. Rosa TANG


Academic Registrar or designate   

Ms. Sally CHING
Chaplain or designateRev. TSE Hung
Director of Student AffairsProf. Henry FOCK
5 academics, at least 2 of whom should be Senate members

Prof. LO Kwai Cheung (FASD)

Mr. Ryan MAN (BUS)

Prof.  Raymond LI (JOUR)

Prof. SHI Jue (SCI)

Mr. Kingsley NG (SCA)

 1 Resident Master Prof. CHEUNG Yiu Ming
2 Student members of the Senate

Miss KWOK Wing Lam

Mr. RAKAN Md Tanvir Nur


2 other student representatives 
One from Academic Societies and one from Interest Clubs 

Miss  LUI Yik Yin

Mr.  CHENG Wang Chun

Assistant to Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)    Ms. Winnie WONG
Assistant Directors of Student Affairs     

Ms. Wendy CHEUNG

Ms. Verona LAU

Student Housing ManagerMr. CHAN Kwok Ho
Assistant Student Affairs Manager (Recording Secretary)Ms. Elaine WONG
Senator from the School of Chinese MedicineMiss MAK Yi Lam
Representative from the Hall CouncilsMr.  CHAN Ka Wai