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U-Life Orientation Workshop for Undergraduate Freshmen - Personal Transformation Workshop (UOW1)


The University is committed to provide Whole Person Education for all students. In order to facilitate new students to learn more about their developmental status of Whole Person Development and identify areas of growth, all new students are required to attend the Personal Transformation Workshop (UOW1), which is one of the U-Life Orientation Workshops.

Workshop Content

  • Professional trainers introduce the concept and importance of HKBU’s  Whole Person Development
  • Through the use of Whole Person Development Inventory (WPDI), enhance new students’ awareness of their developmental state of Whole Person Development
  • Senior year students facilitate the participants to plan for their university life by sharing their university experience with them and introducing opportunities and resources provided by the University for Whole Person Development.

Date:       19th - 20th  August 2024
*Application is not needed as all new undergraduate students are required to attend