Scholarships / Awards for Postgraduate Students:

No.NameDescriptions/ EligibilityNo. of RecipientsAmount per RecipientApplication Method


Belt and Road Scholarship (Research Postgraduate)
一帶一路獎學金 (研究式研究生)

Outstanding first-year non-local students from any B&R countries who are enrolled in full-time publicly-funded research postgraduate degree programmes in Hong Kong. The scholarship will be tenable for the normal duration of the study programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory academic performance of the recipients. For details, please click here.

Up to 25 in Hong Kong

Cover full tuition fee

by university nomination (requires external competition)


Dr. Stephen Chan Sacred Music Scholarship

A full time associate degree student/undergraduate/postgraduate who has actively participated in music related activities at the Chaplian’s Office. The student should also have outstanding achievements in music courses within or outside of HKBU.


Around HK$5,000

by Chaplain’s nomination


Dr. Wu Yee Sun Memorial Scholarship Fund

Local RPG students with outstanding academic performance and financial needs


Around HK$45,000

by department nomination


Dr. Yeung Wing On and Ms. Esther Wong May Wai Scholarship

Local undergraduate or postgraduate student with financial needs, who have a good academic standing (a latest cGPA of 3.0 or above), demonstrate strong passion for and great commitment to social work.



by department nomination


Eden & Ling Kwok Scholarship 郭中鄭齡獎學金

A full-time postgraduate or undergraduate student with disabilities, good academic standing and financial needs.



by university nomination


‘For Our Future’ Scholarship

Local full-time master students (excluding PhD) with good academic achievements.

Not fixed


open application in October *individual application needed


Hong Kong Association of University Women Postgraduate Scholarship

Full-time female students who have achieved outstanding academic results. Competition with students from other tertiary institutions is required.

no fixed quota


open application in October *individual application needed


Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Postgraduate Scholarship

Local full-time RPG student who has made good progress in his/her research studies in the previous academic year. Financial needs will also be considered.



by department nomination


Madam Hui Tang Shing Yan Fellowship

RPG students with good academic performance and good conduct.


Around HK$10,000

by department nomination


Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship

Research postgraduate students (HK permenant residents, at least 7 years of education in HK) who have high standards of academic achievements and intellectual qualities, and possess leadership qualities as demonstrated in extracurricular activities/community services, and whose research should be important to the development of HK. Recipients need to work in Hong Kong for a period of time after graduation. Competition with students from other tertiary institutions is required.

max. 1


open application in September *individual application needed


Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme

Local students pursuing designated taught postgraduate programmes. For more details, please refer to the AR website.

119 for 2024/25 intake

Up to HK$120,000

by university nomination


The C I Stapleton Scholarship

Full-time undergraduate or postgraduate students from the Diocesan Boys’ School (“DBS”), the Diocesan Girls’ School (“DGS”) or any school of the English Schools Foundation (“ESF”) with outstanding academic achievements. Awardees’ age must be 25 or below. Preference would be given to students with greater financial need.



by university nomination


The Zubin Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships for Ethnic Minorities

Local ethnic minority (EM) students who are admitted to the first year of a taught postgraduate programme in a Hong Kong university and have demonstrated commitment to community service.


Cover full tuition fees and provide annual stipend & mentoring

Open application in July

*individual application needed


University of Shanghai John Yuen Memorial Scholarship

RPG Students with good academic performance, good conduct and financial needs.


Around HK$10,000

by department nomination


Wai Tak Land Investment & Loan Co., Ltd. Research Scholarship

RPG students with outstanding academic performance.


Around HK$10,000

by department nomination

Faculty of Arts


Action Learning & Summer Internship

Supporting full-time students of the Chinese Department to make use of their semester breaks and involve themselves in co-curricula activities. The students may design their own activities, through which they may develop their interest and capability.

no fixed quota

Total annual sum: HK$50,000

open application for students of the Chinese Department


Admission Scholarship for Outstanding Students of MA Language Studies (MALS)

Incoming MA in Language Studies students who (1) obtained first or second upper honours classification from their first degrees, which must be relevant to language studies (linguistics, translation, English language & literature, etc.); (2) are graduates of the UGC-funded HKBU Bachelor of Arts programmes; or (3) have excellent academic record in mainland universities and good TEM8 (Test for English Major - Level 8) result.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination


Dr. Catherine Chan Scholarship

Local full-time postgraduate student of the M.A. in Translation and Bilingual Communication who has achieved the highest cGPA of at least 3.50 in the previous academic year.



by department nomination


Exchange Scholarships for Research Postgraduate Students

The objective is to encourage research postgraduate students of the Chinese Department who have financial needs to study in a non-local institution, so as to broaden their horizons.


HK$5,000 to HK$10,000, depending on the location of the target institution

by nomination from the Chinese Department


HKBU Friends Scholarship

Local students who have met the admission requirements to the MALCS programme, and once attended an HKBU-affiliated institution at the primary, secondary or tertiary level.



by department nomination


International Student Scholarship Scheme of MA in Language Studies (MALS)

Outstanding incoming Master of Arts in Language Studies international students.

no fixed quota

15% to 100% of the total tuition fee

by department nomination


MA in Language Studies (MALS) Dissertation Excellence Prize

The best five dissertations that score at or above "A-" grade.


HK$10,000 ("A-" grade), HK$15,000 ("A grade")

by department selection


MATRAN Programme Entrance Student Scholarship (Local Students)

Outstanding local students who fulfill admission requirements and have excellent academic performance



by department selection


MATRAN Programme Entrance Student Scholarship (Non-local Students)

Outstanding non-local students who fulfill admission requirements and have excellent academic performance



by department selection


MATRAN Programme International Student Scholarship

Outstanding non-Chinese international student who meet the basic admission requirements of the Programme with good academic record.



by department selection


MA in Chinese Literature, Language & Culture Programme Academic Performance Scholarship

Outstanding Year 2 part-time students who have completed the programme and fulfilled the graduation requirement in the academic year. Assessment will be conducted at the end of every academic year (i.e., in late July to mid-August). According to the students’ final academic result, the scholarships are awarded to the first four students whose cumulative GPA (cGPA) has reached or exceeded 3.67.


one-half of the yearly tuition fee, each are awarded annually

by department nomination


MA in Literary & Comparative Studies – Excellent Academic Achievement Prize

Graduating student with the second highest cGPA which should be 3.4 or above upon completion of the programme.



by department nomination


MA in Literary & Comparative Studies – Good Academic Achievement Prize

Graduating student with the third highest cGPA which should be 3.4 or above upon completion of the programme.



by department nomination


MA in Literary & Comparative Studies – Outstanding Academic Achievement Prize

Graduating student with the highest cGPA which should be 3.4 or above upon completion of the programme.


HK$3,000 to HK$7,000

by department nomination


MALCS Performance and Multimedia Creativity Award

Outstanding students from the MALCS programme who can demonstrate outstanding creativity, multimodal, expressions, and/or performance.

Not fixed


by department nomination


Prof. Martha PY Cheung Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding PhD Entrants

An outstanding PhD entrant (priority is given to non-HKPFS student) pursuing research in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies.



by department nomination


Prof. Martha PY Cheung Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding PhD Progress

An outstanding PhD student undergoing Candidature Confirmation in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies.



by department nomination


Research Postgraduate Student Incentive Award

Full-time research student (PhD and MPhil) who has published an article in a refereed journal (not necessary at a top-tier journal).

No fixed quota


open application for research postgraduate students of the Faculty of Arts


Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers provided by Education Bureau

Year 1 freshmen who are pursuing English+PDGE/English Education degree programmes, or university graduates who are going to study PGDE. Both local and non local students can apply. The scholarship is to be renewed yearly until the students complete their study. 

no fixed quota

HK$50,000 (for local students) / HK$80,000 (for non-local students) per year

external application in July/ August


Service to Hong Kong Admission Scholarship of MA in Language Studies (MALS)


All applicants of MALS regardless of race, nationality, gender, political view, or any other irrelevant parameter and have outstanding record of contribution in relation to service to Hong Kong.

no fixed quota

range from 15%-100% of the tuition

by department selection


Yu Ying Shih Incentive Awards

Postgraduate students in Chinese Language & Literature Dept who have published articles in first-tier academic journals as classified in the Department Publication List

no fixed quota


by department nomination

School of Business


ACCA Hong Kong Scholarships

Students who have outstanding academic performance and eagerness in registering with ACCA within one year after the scholarship is awarded.


fee waiver that covers the ACCA registration fee/ annual subscription fees/ exemption fees/ examination fees

by department nomination


China Daily Scholarship for MScBM Students

For full-time MScBM students who have outstanding academic performance contributions to the Programme/University and active participation in community services. The selection will be based on the following assessment criteria and weighting : a) Academic performance (30%) b) Contributions to the class / programme / university (30%) c) Community services and other achievements (40%).



by department nomination


CPA Australia Distinction Award

Postgraduate student undertaking the Master of Accountancy who has interests in the CPA Australia qualification. The Award shall not be held concurrently with any scholarship offered by other accounting professional bodies.


Member Entry Assessment waiver, 1 year free Associate Member subscription and enrolment fee waiver for 1 CPA Program Exam

by department nomination


DBA Distinction Scholarship

Students of DBA who attained a cumulative GPA of 3.67 or above at graduation, have no course grade below B-, have not repeated any courses (subject to the same conditions applied to the Distinction academic standing) and can graduate within four years without suspension.

no fixed quota


by department nomination


Dean’s Postgraduate Research Scholarship

For each research postgraduate student who will publish in “A-” or above journal (as defined in the BUS Journal list) in an academic year.

not fixed


by department nomination


Diversity Contribution Scholarship for MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance (MScAAF)

New entrants who can enhance the diversity of the programme based on their international exposure, cultural experiences, overseas education, work experience, special achievement and talents.

no fixed quota

Half tuition waiver to full tuition waiver

by department nomination


Diversity Contribution Scholarship for MSc in Finance (FinTech & Financial Analytics)

New entrants who can enhance the diversity of the programme. Applicants are assessed on a broad range of criteria, including international exposure, cultural experiences, overseas education, work experience, special achievement and talents.

no fixed quota

Half tuition waiver to full tuition waiver

by department nomination


ECON84 Outstanding Scholarship
(for MSc in Applied Economics)

Students who have achieved outstanding academic performance at the time of graduation.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination


Eddid Financial FinTech Scholarship

Full-time or part-time international students of the Master of Science (MSc) in Finance (FinTech and Financial Analytics) programme with a minimum cGPA of 3.20 or above after the first semester.

Preference will be given to students from South Asia.



by department nomination


Entrance Scholarship / Young Talent Scholarship for MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance (MScAAF)

Full time students with outstanding academic backgrounds and public examination results.

no fixed quota

HK$20,000 to HK$80,000

by department nomination


Entrance Scholarship / Young Talent Scholarship for MSc in Finance (FinTech & Financial Analytics)

Full-time students with outstanding academic performance and/or public examination results.

no fixed quota

HK$5,000 to HK$50,000

by department nomination


Excellence Academic Performance Award for MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance (MScAAF)

Student(s) who obtained the highest cGPA in the class will be awarded at the time of graduation.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination


Excellence Academic Performance Award for MSc in Finance (FinTech & Financial Analytics)

Student(s) who obtained the highest cGPA in the class will be awarded at the time of graduation.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination


Graduation Distinction Award

Students of MBA or Master of Science in Business Management (MScBM) who have attained an overall cumulative GPA of 3.67 to 4.00 at graduation (subject to the same conditions applied to the Distinction academic standing, i.e. no repeated courses and no course grade below B-)

no fixed quota


by department nomination


HKBU Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) Scholarship

Student must be a BGS member who demonstrates excellence in academic achievement, extra-curricular activities and with good character and fulfills the following requirement: – has achieved the highest cumulative GPA (in taught postgraduate programme) in the preceding academic semester immediately following his/her admission as a BGS member



by department nomination


HKCGI Foundation Scholarship

Best student in the MSc in Corporate Governance and Compliance programme respectively.



by school nomination


HKCGI Foundation Subject Prize

Best MSc in Corporate Governance and Compliance student in “Corporate Governance & Risk Management”.



by department nomination


International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) “Westin Scholar Book Award”

Eligible students should get a minimum grade of A for their Individual Assignment undertaken in, “FIN7900 Cybersecurity, Privacy and RegTech” at the MSc in Finance (Fintech & Financial Analytics) and the projects must address an issue of Cybersecurity and/or Privacy.


- USD 1,000 Cash Award
- 2 years of complimentary IAPP membership
- 3 exam vouchers for IAPP certification programs and other benefits

by department nomination


International Postgraduate Scholarships

Outstanding international students who applied for one of the applicable full-time (1 Year) taught postgraduate programmes (i.e., MSc in Business Management, MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance, MSc in Applied Economics; MSc in Corporate Governance and Directorship, or Master of Accountancy).

no fixed quota

Full tuition waiver and HK$100,000 living allowance

by School nomination


MScBM Diversity Contribution Scholarship

Full-time class students who can enhance the diversity of the Programme. Candidates will be assessed on a combination of factors including international exposure, cultural experience, overseas education, work experiences, special achievement and talents.

HK$50,000 to full tuition waiver

no fixed amount

by department nomination


MScBM Entrance Award

Master of Science in Business Management (MScBM) full-time class students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, interview performance, records of extracurricular and community activities as well as financial needs.

no fixed quota

Up to HK$40,000

by department nomination


MScMCE Outstanding Academic Performance Award

Up to 10 scholarships will be granted to applicants with outstanding academic performance, depending on qualifications.

max. 10


by department nomination


MSc in Applied Economics Distinction Scholarship

Students who have achieved outstanding academic performance at the time of graduation.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination


MSc in Applied Economics Entrance Scholarship

Students with excellent academic records in their undergraduate studies.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination


Outstanding Achievement Award for MBA students

MBA graduates who have developed excellence in scholastic performance, managerial skills, leadership ability, social responsibility, and commitment and contribution to the programme, the University, the business community and society.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination


Postgraduate Research Scholarship

For each research postgraduate student who will publish in “B+” journal (as defined in the BUS Journal list) in an academic year.

not fixed


by department nomination


SlowMist Cybersecurity Award for the Best Individual Cybersecurity Project on FIN7900 Cybersecurity, Privacy and Regtech

Eligible students should get a minimum grade of A for their Individual Assignment undertaken in, “FIN7900 Cybersecurity, Privacy and RegTech” at the MSc in Finance (Fintech & Financial Analytics) and the projects must address an issue of Cybersecurity.


USD 4,000

by department nomination


Zhou Wenting Emma Scholarship

Outstanding Master of Science in Business Management students with GPA of 3.50 or above in Semester 1 and 2, who also have outstanding records of extra-curricular activities or services to the School/Programme. Awardees cannot concurrently receive other scholarships from the University.



by school nomination

School of Chinese Medicine


Dr. & Mrs. Hung Hin Shiu Chinese Medicine Postgraduate Scholarship

Outstanding BCM and BPharm students pursuing postgraduate degrees, renewable for 2 years subject to the student’s achievement of good results. For details, please click here.

no fixed quota

up to HK$150,000

open application for undergraduate students in the School of Chinese Medicine pursing postgraduate studies


Lee Chan Yuet Ming Memorial Scholarship for Chinese Medicine Postgraduate

Local Chinese Medicine Research Postgraduate Students with outstanding academic performance and contribution in research

Up to 2


by school nomination


Scholarships for Taught Postgraduate Programmes in the School of Chinese Medicine

In each semester for full- time students or academic year for part-
time students,

(1) (a) the semester GPA is between 3.50 and 4.0 for full-time students or the year GPA is between 3.50 and 4.0 for part-time students; or

(1) (b) the semester GPA is between 3.30 and 3.49 for full-time students or the year GPA is between 3.30 and 3.49 for part-time students;

(2) no grade is lower than B-;
(3) the number of units taken is not less than that in the normal study


  • Each student is only eligible to receive the scholarship up to HK$20,000 or up to two times.
  • recipients shall not receive any other types of financial assistance for pursuing the same programme at the same time.

no fixed quota

HK$10,000 for (a), HK$5,000 for (b)

by school nomination

School of Communication


Academic Achievement Award (for research postgraduate students)

Students who study in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/Master of Philosophy (MPhil) programmes of the School of Communication with outstanding academic achievements. The awardee(s) should not hold any other scholarships concurrently in the same academic year.



by department nomination


Commercial Radio 50th Anniversary Scholarship

Year 2 or above undergraduate or postgraduate students pursuing a career in journalism and media. The recipients will be chosen on the basis of their academic excellence, strong leadership abilities, extensive general knowledge, high civic mindedness and excellent communication skills.

10 to 12

Around HK$20,000

open application for students of School of Communication


Merit-based scholarship scheme for MA in International Journalism Studies program

Awards will be made on the basis of grade point average (GPA). 

no fixed quota

HK$20,000, HK$15,000 or HK$10,000, depending on the academic performance of individual student.

by department nomination


The Hinrich Global Trade Leader Scholarship for MA in International Journalism Studies programme

MAIJS students from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia with good academic performance. For details, please click here.


Full tuition fee (half by Hinrich, half by MAIJS)

open application for MAIJS students from specified Asian Countries

School of Creative Arts


Academic Scholarship (for Year 1 Students)

CTV student with the best accumulative GPA amongst Year 1 postgraduate students (from Semester 1 to 2). For details, please click here.



by department nomination


Academic Scholarship (for Year 2 Students)

CTV student with the best accumulative GPA amongst Year 2 postgraduate students (from Semester 1 to 4). For details, please click here



by department nomination


Best Production of Year 1 (1st Semester)

Based on CTV 7010 Postgraduate Film and Video Production I project. For details, please click here.



by department nomination


Best Production of Year 2 (3rd Semester)

Based on CTV 7040 Postgraduate Film and Video Production II & CTV 7150 Postgraduate Dramatic Film/TV Production projects. For details, please click here.



by department nomination


DC Foundation Scholarship

Students of the Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television & Digital Media Programme who demonstrate excellence in their MFA Thesis Project I (Production).



by department nomination


HKBU Music's Honor Roll: MA Academic Awards

Outstanding students from the Department of Music.



by department nomination


MFA Creativity Scholarship (for students of Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Digital Media)

Students who study in the Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Digital Media (MFA) programme with outstanding academic performance and good ability/potential in delivering high-quality creative productions. The awardee(s) should not hold any other scholarships concurrently in the same academic year.



by department nomination

Faculty of Science


BU-SZU Admission Scholarship

Students from Shenzhen University (SZU) admitted to MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management programme who meet the criteria.

no fixed quota

HK$10,000 – HK$60,000

by department nomination


Departmental Postgraduate Research Scholarship (for RPG of the Department of Computer Science)

Students who have excellent performance in research.



by department nomination


Distinction Scholarship (for MSc in Food Analysis & Food Safety Management)

Students of the MSc in Food Analysis and Food Safety Management programme who have attained a semester GPA of 3.67 or above, no course grade below B- and the number of units taken is not less than that in the normal study schedule.

no fixed quota


by department nomination


Entrance Scholarship (for MSc in Advanced Information Systems & MSc in Information Technology Management)

For full-time and part-time freshmen with excellent academic records in their undergraduate studies. For details, please click here.

no fixed quota

Up to HK$50,000 depending on academic records

by department nomination


Entrance Scholarship (for MSc in Food Analysis & Food Safety Management)

Freshmen of the MSc in Food Analysis and Food Safety Management programme with excellent academic records in their undergraduate studies.

no fixed quota


by department nomination


Entrance Scholarship (for RPG of the Department of Computer Science)

Students with excellent academic records in their undergraduate studies.

no fixed quota

up to HK$6,000 per month

by department nomination


Exchange Scholarship of MSc in Analytical Chemistry Programme

Full-time and part-time local and mainland students of Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry programme who participate in the exchange study with academic merits.


up to HK$20,000

by department nomination


High Distinction/Distinction/Merit Scholarship (for MSc in Advanced Information Systems & MSc in Information Technology Management)

For students of Master of Science in Advanced Information Systems and Information Technology Management programmes who have achieved outstanding academic results during their studies.

no fixed quota

Up to HK$24,000

by department nomination


Merit Award (for MSc in Analytical Chemistry)

To be awarded to full-time students on the basis of their academic results in the first semester and to part-time students on the basis of their academic result in the first year of the study programme. For details, please click here.

no fixed quota

HK$3,000 to HK$20,000

by department nomination


Merit Award (for MSc in Food Analysis & Food Safety Management)

Students of the MSc in Food Analysis and Food Safety Management programme who have attained a semester GPA of 3.40 to 3.66 and the number of units taken is not less than that in the normal study schedule.

no fixed quota


by department nomination


Merit Scholarship (for MSc in Green Technology (Energy))

To be awarded to full-time students based on the GPA for the 1st and 2nd Semester and to part-time students based on the GPA attained at the end of the first year of the study programme. For details, please click here.

no fixed quota

HK$10,000 to HK$20,000

by department nomination


Merit Scholarship of MSc in Mathematical Finance Programme

Full-time students of MSc in Mathematical Finance programmes who have achieved good and excellent academic results during their studies.


no fixed amount

by department nomination


Merit Scholarship of MSc in Operational Research & Business Statistics Programme

Full-time students of MSc in Operational Research and Business Statistics programmes who have achieved good and excellent academic results during their studies.

no fixed quota

up to HK$50,000

by department nomination


MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management Admission Scholarships

(1)Full time student upon take up of the study;
(2) The student must attain a minimum score of 7.0 in International English Language Testing System, OR a minimum score of 540 in CET-6 English test; AND
(3) The student should have good GPA/academic results in his/her undergraduate studies;
(4) Students who belong to ethnic minority or are disabled (EM&D) have the priority to a full-scholarship.*
(5) Students awarded with the admission scholarship must obtain a GPA of at least 2.5 in the first semester of the full time study.

Members of the programme committee will assess each application on a case by case basis.

* This condition is triggered: i) when the applicant is one of the last to fill the quota for admission scholarship for the academic year, or/and ii) the applicant fulfils either condition 2 or 3 but not both. In any academic year, no more than two EM&D students can enjoy such priority.

**Not eligible for the awardee of the Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowship.**


max. HK$10,000

by department nomination


MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management Outstanding Student Scholarships

Outstanding graduates (two graduates from each group) of the MSc in Environmental and Public Health Management (EPHM) programme. The student must also have a GPA equal to or above 3.5.


up to HK$10,000

by department nomination


MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management Part-time Student Admission Scholarship

(1) Applicants who at the time of application are in full-time employment in the environmental and/or public health field
(2) Applicants eligible for this scholarship must be able to demonstrate that their work duties are directly relevant to environmental management, environmental science or public health management. The members of the Programme Board will assess each application on a case by case basis by the following criteria:

  1. job relevance, evidence of career commitment, reliability of the evidence, recommendations from the employer(50% combined), academic merits (50%) of the applicants and any other criteria as deemed appropriate.
  2. Students awarded with the admission scholarship must obtain a GPA of at least 2.5 in the first year of the part-time study.

    * Not eligible for the awardee of the Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowship.*


max. HK$10,000

By department nomination


Overseas Scholarship of MSc in Analytical Chemistry Programme

Full-time non-local and non-mainland students of Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry programme with academic merits.


up to HK$40,000

By department nomination


Performance Award (for MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management)

Outstanding students of MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management with a cGPA 3.30 upon completion of the study.

Max. 10


By department nomination


Postgraduate Scholarships for Operational Research & Business Statistics

The scholarships shall be awarded on the basis of academic results in the first semester of double degree programme for full-time students, and in the first year of double degree programme for part-time students. For details, please click here.

no fixed quota

HK$5,000 to HK$50,000

by department nomination


Prof. Huie Carmen Wah Kit Memorial Scholarship (for MSc in Analytical Chemistry)

Full-time students with good academic performance. For details, please click here.

no fixed quota

HK$10,000 to HK$20,000

by department nomination


Prof. Jerry W. Barrett Scholarship

Outstanding postgraduate student in Chemistry


Around HK$7,000

by department nomination


Publication Award (for MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management)

Students of MSc in Environmental & Public Health Management who are able to become

(1) Author of a SCI paper during the study or within one year of graduation
(2) The SCI journal must have an impact factor of 0.5 or higher
(3) Joint authorship with dissertation supervisor

no fixed quota


by department nomination


Scholarship for Awardees of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

Research postgraduate students of the Department of Computer Science who have successfully admitted to 4-year PhD programme via HKPFS.

no fixed quota

up to HK$15,000 per month

by department nomination


Scholarship for Nominees of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

Research postgraduate students of the Department of Computer Science who have successfully nominated by the University under the HKPFS and finally admitted to 4-year PhD programme without the fellowship of RGC.

no fixed quota

up to HK$4,000 per month

by department nomination


Yakun Scholarship Scheme for Mainland Postgraduate Students

For Mainland students with outstanding academic and leadership performance.

no fixed quota

no fixed amount

by department nomination

Faculty of Social Sciences


Ada S.H. Li Social Work Practicum Scholarship

Full-time local undergraduate or postgraduate Social Work students with outstanding academic performance, personal qualities and non-academic achievements


At least HK$5,000

by department nomination


Class of 1985 30th Anniversary Scholarship

Outstanding undergraduate and MPhil/PhD students of the Department of History who have participated in an exchange experience within their period of study.


Around HK$6000

by department nomination


Dr. Arthur Lau Award in Gender History

Graduate students who demonstrate excellent knowledge of and insight on gender history, preferably within the pre-modern era. Recipients should have published scholarly articles on gender history in well-established journals.



by department nomination


Lei Yue Mun Hoi Bun School Scholarships

Undergraduate or postgraduate students of Education Programme who is enthusiastic about education, active in participation in extra curricular activities, and good academically (GPA over 3.0). Preference will be given to students with financial needs.


Around HK$12,000

by department nomination


Madam Esther M.W. Wong Scholarship

Full-time local undergraduate or postgraduate Social Work students with outstanding academic performance, financial needs, personal qualities and non-academic achievements.



by department nomination


Madam Shao Shu Lung Memorial Prize

Postgraduate student who is enrolled in the M.Phil. or Ph.D. program at the History Department and has published at least one scholarly article in a well-established refereed journal in the current academic year, and has demonstrated outstanding performance in his or her research.


no fixed amount

by department nomination


Mr. Lau Kam Ling Memorial Scholarship (for PhD Students)

Outstanding PhD student in the Department of History who has delivered the highest number of scholarly presentations (conferences, workshops, symposia, seminars, lectures, etc., in-person and online inclusive) in the preceding calendar year.1no fixed amountby department nomination


Scholarship for Teachers (Pursuit of Master’s Degree Programmes)

Full-time serving teachers who

(a) have been serving as regular teachers in local day schools (including secondary, primary and special schools offering a formal curriculum) for at least five years; and

(b) will pursue a local part-time master’s degree programme in the following school year. For details, please click here.



Open application


Wilfred Ng Sports Scholarship 吳守基運動獎學金

For students pursuing the MSocSc in Sport and Leisure Management programme who have the best overall performance



by department nomination