Scholarships / Awards for CIE / SCE / UIC Students

Descriptions/ Eligibility
No. of Recipients
Amount per Recipient
Application Method
#Award for Academic Excellence in the Liberal and Cultural Studies ProgrammeOutstanding LCS students in each study year with excellent academic performance/best progress.4HK$1,000 to HK$3,000by department nomination


MI Asia Awards
All HKBU graduates of academic year 2011/2012, including graduates of the School of Continuing Education, with First Class Honor or Second Class Division I Honor shall be awarded.
no fixed quota
one year complimentary subscription to TIME Magazine and Mag Digest
by university nomination
Prof. Jerry W. Barrett Scholarship
Four scholarships will be offered to outstanding SCE students every year. 2 are for Associate Degree students, and 2 are for BEd (ECE)-early chilhood education students.
by school/ department nomination


For other scholarships, please visit the following websites:
 1. Associate degree students (CIE):
  2. Self-funded undergraduates (CIE):
  3. SCE students:
  4. UIC students:

Or you may refer to the most updated University alendar/Student Handbook.