Taungthutada, TTTD – Farmers' Bridge is a social enterprise based in Myanmar, which was co-founded by HKBU business school student, KHUN Lar Bway with his co-workers during 2019 and 2020. It was started as Facebook page to increase the information access for smallholder farmers in their communities. The entity is currently operating in two townships of Myanmar by providing the core services to farmers; contract farming and market linkage. We are a Value-chain Development Firm that aims to grow, transport & transform crops into sustainable responsible products and commodities in rural areas with small-holder farmers for the purpose of offering these high-quality products in Local, ASEAN, and international markets at a highly competitive price.
HKBU Start-up Saturday (May 2023) Winner
Mr Khun Lar Bway (BU student)
Ms Nan San Nyunt
Ms Poe Thandar Hnin
Mr Tharn Kyaw Sint
Website: www.taungthutada.com
Contact: khunlarbway@taungthutada.com or info@taungthutada.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taungthutada
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/taungthu-tada/