Policy & Legal Matters: Non-local Research Postgraduates

In response to the Hong Kong Government’s policy allowing non-local full-time postgraduate students (RPgs) taking up part-time jobs, the Research Postgraduate Studies Committee of HKBU endorsed the following revisions to the current guidelines governing all RPg studentship recipients (including both local and non-local full-time students), having regard to the balance between studies and type of experience gained.

  1. Full-time RPgs may take up part-time employment, either on or off campus, for a maximum of 12 hours per week (including the summer months).
  2. The nature of part-time work should be directly related to research or academic that is beneficial to their studies and career development.
  3. Students intending to take up a part-time job shall submit a request specifying the job descriptions and working hours to Principal Supervisor, Department, Faculty/School and Graduate School for approval.  

Enquries: hkbu_rpg@hkbu.edu.hk

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

Non-local graduates who submit applications to the Immigration Department within six months after the date of their graduation (i.e. the date shown on their graduation certificates) are classified as non-local fresh graduates.

Fresh graduates may be granted 24 months’ stay on time limitation without other conditions of stay provided that normal immigration requirements are met. Click here to view for further details.

In early July every year, Academic Registry will give all graduates a copy of academic records by post to your Mainland home address. You can use it as a proof of graduation from the University when you apply to the Immigration Department for extension of stay.

In the event that you have lost this transcript of academic records, you may apply to the Graduate School for a testimonial or an academic transcript (student copy) to serve as a proof of graduation.