Enquiries: Ms. Angelina CHAN
Tel No.:+852 3411 5277
Email: angelina@hkbu.edu.hk

Terms of Reference 

1. To advise the University on all the matters about students’ career development and employment.  These include:

  • maintaining a good relationship with the community so as to promote employment opportunities for the University’s graduates;
  • gathering feedback from employers regarding the graduates’ performance and the job relevance of their studies at the University; and
  • the provision of career education/development programmes for students


2. To receive periodic reports about students’ career development and employment, including graduate employment reports, from the University; and to present such reports, with comments when necessary, to the President and Vice-Chancellor.

Chairperson (One invited member appointed by the President and Vice-chancellor)

Ms. Jennifer TAN, Executive Vice President – Strategy Development and Government Affairs, Greater Bay Area, Ant Group


Convenor (Director of Student Affairs, ex officio)

Prof. Henry FOCK


Secretary (Head, Career Centre, ex officio)

Ms. Denise CHU



Prof. Bernard WU, Deputy Chairman, Poseidon Hill Capital Limited

Prof. LI Min, Executive Associate Dean, School of Chinese Medicine

Mr. William SHUM, Founder & CEO, Memorigin Watch Company Limited

Mr. CHAN Ka Wai, Calvin, Chairman & CEO, Catalo Natural Health Foods Limited

Mr. Howard WONG (alternate member), Kampery Development Limited

Mr. Peter SHUM, Director, iREd Solutions

Mr. Bryant CHAN (alternate member), President, Wynnewood Corporation Limited

Mr. Robert Cheuk Hung IP, Chairman, Industry and Technology Committee

Ms. Stephanie TSANG, Head of Resourcing & Onboarding, Hang Seng Bank Limited

Mr. Edward AU, Vice-President, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Mr. Kit WONG (alternate member), Director, Education and Training, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Mr. Duffy LAU, Executive Committee Member, The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong

Ms. Onie CHU (alternate member), Executive Director, The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong

Ms. YEUNG Lai Shan, Alice, Principal Assistant Secretary (Appointments), Civil Service Bureau

Mr. Wayne CHENG, Executive Vice-Chairman, Greater Bay Area Human Resources and Management Executives Association

Mr. Ben CHOY, General Manager – Finance & Head of Tax, Tencent

Mrs. Vennie HO, Chairman, The Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association

Ms. Eva KWONG, Chief Human Resources Officer, Kerry Properties Limited

Mr. Augusto KING, Managing Director & Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets, MUFG Securities Asia Limited

Mr. Teddy LUI, Chief Executive Officer, HKAI LAB

Prof. Ken WONG, Executive Director, Hong Kong Life Science Society

Dr. Peter WONG, Chief Technology Officer, Prenetics

Mr. Cecil YOW, Chief Operating Officer, Emperor Motion Picture

Dr. Jacinto TONG, President, HKBU Alumni Association


Internal Members 

Mr. Ryan MAN, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), School of Business

Dr. Adam CHEUNG, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Student Representatives

Representatives from Student Union; Postgraduate Association; and three other student representatives from societies