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Discovery Series 2021-2022

Office of Student Affairs presents the DISCOVERY Co-curricular Learning Series

Seminars and workshops organised in the first semester of 2021-2022 academic year on Tuesday afternoons (mostly) inspire you to discover those around you but unnoticed to you.





14 Sep 2021 (Tue)

Mr. Fong Chi Yui
​Service-in-charge, Viva Blue House

The Revitalized Blue House

Viva Blue House is an excellent showcase of people-led heritage conservation and urban revitalization, in establishing an inclusive civil community and integrating tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It advocates regeneration of community networks and relations, intertwined in a mutual and sustainable economy.

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14 Sep 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Chris Chow,
Public Education Manager, World Vision Hong Kong


Behind the War - Untold Stories of Humanitarian Aid
難民「芝」味 - 人道救援鮮為人知的故事

How do refugees seek asylum and help while facing threats of hunger and safety in host countries? This seminar aims to raise students’ empathy and their spirit to help the needy in this international issue.

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21 Sep 2021 (Tue)

Ms. Chow Ching Lam
​Assistant Professor of Practice
Clinical Division, HKBU

Be Your Body Master

Catching up deadlines and every friend meeting, most youths have an irregular sleeping schedule and poor lifestyle, leading to different kinds of ailments, such as allergy, chronic fatigue, and acne. Tiredness and exhaustion during menstruation is not only a must for girls, boys can also have similar bodily experiences. Professor from HKBU Chinese Medicine will share tips on healthcare, keeping you in a good state despite your hectic schedule.
香港大部份年青人都有不同程度的敏感問題, 又因作息不定時、常熬夜,而出現慢性疲勞、長出肝氣瘀滯的成人痘等都市毛病。女生每個月都有不方便的日子,陰虛並非「女士專利」,亦可能出現在男士身上, 浸大中醫師現身說法, 建議後生仔女如何保健養生、頤養身心。

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21 Sep 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Raymond Li
Adviser, HKBU Fact Check Service

Have You Fact Checked Today?
你今日Fact Check咗未?

"Fake news and misinformation are all around us. Just before you press the button to share around, have you ever questioned its validity, and deliberated its source and content? Mr. Raymond Li, Co-Director of HKBU FactCheck Service will share on techniques of Fact Check with his senior experience in media and journalism. Let’s learn to be a wise netizen, equip ourselves with a critical mindset in the mass flow of information and news.
網絡世界謠言滿天飛,在按下分享一刻之前,你有否認真 Fact check 過消息的真與假?香港浸會大學事實核查中心聯席主任李文先生將分享如何避免成為散播不實資訊的幫兇,學習分辨真假資訊的技巧,做個明智數碼公民。

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28 Sep 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Mike Hui
Financial Speaker of IFEC 

Manage Your Finances From Zero

Having started your university life, got your first job, salary, and credit card? Do you know how to manage your finances without being in debt? How do you handle your money well in this digital generation? Let’s learn different skills of financial management and stop living from paycheck to paycheck!

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28 Sep 2021 (Tue)
Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)

Ethics in Practice

The Independent Commision Against Corruption (ICAC) has long played a crucial role in promoting probity in Hong Kong. Students can review personal ethics and value of integrity to make the right moral decision under temptations and challenges via comprehensive ICAC case study. The speaker will brief the ICAC Ambassador Programme for interested students to further explore.
廉政公署透過教育和執法, 長久以來推動廉潔的社會文化。廉署將分享其反貪工作, 讓同學反思個人的道德準則。誘惑無處不在, 大學生們要如何明辨是非對錯、分辨善惡美醜, 作出正確的道德判斷呢?講座亦包括廉政大使計劃的宣傳, 有興趣的同學可多加留意。

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05 Oct 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Harris Chan
​CEO & Co-founder, Cobo Academy

Tech Discovery for All Students: Embrace AI & Build Your First Intelligent Mobile App - Introduction Session
人工智能技術初探 - 入門簡介

The seminar offers an introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to students, in exploring different types of AI with AI experiments, and its application - how computers classify and identify things.
人工智能是近年的科研重點發展項目,是次工作坊會為同學介紹各種類型的人工智能技術, 以及在我們的日常生活中如何應用。

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05 Oct 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Paul Tam,
Executive Director, Performing Arts, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Managing Performing Arts Centres: A Balance Among Mission, Excellence and Finance

Performing Arts Centre (PACs) is a key element of a city's arts infrastructure, anchoring cultural districts, providing homes to artists and arts companies, and supporting arts economic development. As important as they are to the communities, it can be easy to take these complex, multimillion-dollar venues for granted. Managing a performing arts centre, however, is anything but easy. This module will journey from Hong Kong to international PACs to explain what it takes to become a winning arts enterprise, serving the audiences and community with great arts while balancing the proverbial books.

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05 Oct 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Sam Wong,
Executive Director, Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club Limited

Positive Leadership

1. Understand positive coaching
2. Learn to work with others with positive way

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19 Oct 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Harris Chan
CEO & Co-founder, Cobo Academy

Tech Discovery for All Students: Embrace AI & Build Your First Intelligent Mobile App - Workshop Session A (Cantonese)
人工智能應用初探- 手機應用程式 - 工作坊 A (廣東話)

The workshop is an introduction to coding and Thunkable, a platform to create mobile apps. Students can gain hands-on experience in building a smart Translator App, and an AI - based image Recognizer App.

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16 OCT 2021 (Sat)
Alex Fan, Barrister-at-law; Andrew Mok, Permanent Magistrate

Law and Leadership [Student Leadership Corps]

Law and leadership are two elements intertwining and constructing each other. Speakers will introduce the legal system of Hong Kong, from Basic Law, classification of law to different legal perspectives. Let’s understand the legal and ethical aspects as a leader.
法律與領袖質素環環相扣,講者將會講解香港的法律制度, 包括基本法、律例的分類及不同法律的角度分析,讓同學更了解作為領袖,在法律和道德的層面上,具備應有的認知。

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26 Oct 2021 (Tue)
Mr. Harris Chan
​CEO & Co-founder, Cobo Academy

Tech Discovery for All Students: Embrace AI & Build Your First Intelligent Mobile App - Workshop Session B (English)
人工智能應用初探- 手機應用程式 - 工作坊 B (英語)

The workshop is an introduction to coding and Thunkable, a platform to create mobile apps. Students can gain hands-on experience in building a smart Translator App, and an AI - based image Recognizer App.

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26 Oct 2021 (Tue)
Dr. Kwok Wai Leung
First Aid Lecturer, Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Association

Introduction of First Aid

To raise the safety awareness among students, the seminar equips students with the readiness in performing CPR and using AED during emergencies. [With attendance certificate**]
透過講座加深同學對急救、心肺復甦術(CPR)和自動體外心臟去顫器(AED)的知識,並提高大眾的安全意識。 [講座附設聽講證書**]

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26 Oct 2021 (Fri)
Ms. Lana Wong
Director - Communications and Public Affairs, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

Meeting with Disney Imagineer

In this seminar, Ms. Lana Wong will present the CSR effort of Disneyland and give us a briefing for the coming "Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition." Participants will learn more about the mission of Disney and have a chance to become an intern in Disneyland in the USA.
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02 Nov 2021 (Tue)

A Leader as a Servant – Leader-first, Servant-first

Servant leadership is creating paramount impacts to the community especially during the global pandemic, the time of unprecedented challenge societally. From the speaker’s personal experience, you will understand the meaning of servant leaders and how this can benefit oneself and the community.
疫症肆虐, 世界各地正經歷前所未有的挑戰, 服務領袖以實際行動回應社會及國際議題。透過講者的親身經歷,同學可了解服務領袖的特質,以至推動個人發展和人道關懷的正面影響。

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02 Nov 2021 (Tue)

Mr. Alvin Yip
​Visiting Professor and Vice Dean of Design and Innovation, CAFA

Social Innovation [Student Leadership Corps]

- The Hedgehog and the Fox
- How to collaborate with team members

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09 Nov 2021 (Tue)
Mr. David Au
Assistant Project Manager of Voltra

More Than Just Travel - Spark the lives with VolTra

Want to explore the world in a meaningful way? VolTra brings you unique experiences as a Global Citizen, from overseas volunteer workcamp before pandemic, to virtual global programme under "new normal'. Join us to know about the ways to enrich your Global vision and create positive impacts to the world!

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09 Nov 2021 (Tue)
Ms. Iris WONG
Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government


T · PARK — A Green Journey of "Waste-to-Energy" and "Transformation
T · PARK [源 · 區] 轉廢為能 煥然一新

"T · PARK, the first ""waste-to-energy"" facility in Hong Kong, combines various advanced technologies, including sludge incineration, power generation, seawater desalination and wastewater treatment. The heat energy generated from the incineration process is recovered and turned into electricity. The T · PARK reflects the vision to embrace the concept of ""turning waste to energy"" and to put the infinite possibilities of green and sustainable lifestyles into practice.
「T」代表 Transformation 「轉煥」( “轉廢為能 ∙ 煥然一新”),標誌著香港「轉廢為能」的決心,T∙Park 融合了一系列先進科技 ,包括焚化污泥、發電、海水化淡及污水處理,透過其休閒和教育設施,學習和體驗香港綠色文化。在焚化過程中產生的熱能會被回收,並轉化為電力,生產高達兩兆瓦的剩餘電力輸出至公共電網,實踐「轉廢為能」的最佳例子。"

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16 Nov 2021 (Tue)
Dr. Jason Ho
Senior Service-Learning Consultant, CISL, HKBU

Love & Relationships - Emotional Quotient (EQ) & Self-awareness
兩性關係研究所 - 修煉愛情

在戀愛中好好修煉情商, 當面對即將爆發的情場「戰爭」,如何相處理爭執又好好跟另一半溝通,避免情場觸礁? 一齊學習如何做個控制情緒的高手,享受愛情的甜蜜,同時也成為更好的自己。
Let’s explore the secret of lasting love relationships and how Emotional Quotient (EQ) helps in communication and trust between partners. Learn to be a love master, to enjoy a sweet romance, and nourish a better self.

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23 Nov 2021 (Tue)
Dr. William Yu
Founder & Chief Executive Officer, World Green Organisation

Sustainable Financing & Creating Changes [CSR/ ESG]

Sustainable & Green Exchange (STAGE), an online portal providing information, access and transparency on a wide range of sustainable, green and social investment products.

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30 Nov 2021 (Tue)
World Vision

No Boundaries with COVID-19

The seminar reviews the global pandemic of coronavirus, and investigates the destructive effects on developing countries, ways and assistance we can offer them to fight against COVID-19.
回顧近年全球新冠肺炎疫症, 並探討疫情對貧窮國家的影響及援助發展中國家對抗新冠肺炎的方法。

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7 Dec 2021 (Tue)

Dwelling in a Waste-free Apartment


Jessica Shang, a Taiwanese author who got to know the concept of zero waste from her translation of the English book, “Zero Waste Home”. Insisting on not making a piece of trash if possible, she practices minimalism in daily life. We are honored to have Jessica to share her insights on embarking a waste-free lifestyle through accumulating small changes in daily habits. Participants will have the opportunity to obtain the ebook, “Dwelling in a Waste-free Apartment” written by Jessica.
台灣作家尚潔,因翻譯英文書""Zero Waste Home""而認識零廢棄概念, 以「盡可能不產生垃圾」的原則,實踐極簡生活,奉行不塑生活,也是古著及二手舊物的愛好者。我們誠邀尚潔分享如何實行零廢棄,透過習慣上的小改變,累積演變成生活模式。參加者更有機會獲得尚潔的新作品 《沒有垃圾的公寓生活》電子書一本。

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16 feb 2022 (Wed)
18:45 - 20:45
Mr. Calvin Lam
Professional Emcee
Part-time Instructor for SCE, HKBU

Presentation for Impact

Under the global pandemic, virtual meetings and presentations have been the New Normal. Are you aware of your eye contact and posture when engaging participants on a laptop screen? The seminar offers winning tips on virtual presentation, from basic social etiquette, appropriate styling to audience engagement. Present yourself with passion and turn presentation into a mutually rewarding experience.
過去兩年間, 網上學習、視像會議和匯報已成為新常態。隔著螢幕, 要如何拿捏視線、音量和身體語言?如何讓聽眾投入內容呢?講者將分享讓你得心應手的演講技巧,由合宜的姿態、談吐風格到如何抓住聽眾耳朵, 相信你的演講將令人眼前一亮。

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22 Feb 2022 (Tue)
Rooftop Republic Urban Farming

"Social Value of Urban Rooftop Farming

While agriculture seems impossible in this densified city, Rooftop Republic envisions the possibility of urban farming by fully utilizing the underused spaces. The speaker will share their mission and ideology on sustainable living practices, and how micro-farming positively impacts our community.

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