HKBU Alumni Gratitude Fund (AGF)
HKBU Alumni Gratitude Grant (AGG)
HKBU Alumni Gratitude Scholarship (AGS)
Campus Inclusion Activities (CIA) Programme
List of Financial Aids

Campus Inclusion Activities (CIA) Programme (for Students with Special Education Needs)



The purpose of this programme is to recognize extra-curricular activities which include and engage students with special educational needs (SSEN) and promote the awareness among the University community on campus inclusion for SSEN.

CIA Poster CIA Poster

SSEN from each category of special educational needs faces different difficulties in participating in extra-curricular activities. Activities that are able to accommodate at least one category of the special educational needs may apply to register as Campus Inclusion Activities(CIA).

In general, special educational needs can be classified into the following categories:

  1. Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder 
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder 
  3. Developmental Coordination Disorder
  4. Hearing Impairment 
  5. Mental Illnesses 
  6. Physical/Mobility Disabilities 
  7. Rare Disease 
  8. Specific Learning Disabilities 
  9. Speech Impairment and/or Language Impairment 
  10. Visual Impairment 
  11. Visceral Disability / Chronic Illness 
Application Procedures

1. Include elements to accommodate the needs of SSEN from at least one category of special educational needs in participating in the activities with justifications. e.g.(i) Film appreciation activities which provide sign language on the bottom left corner of the screen to accommodate the special needs of students with hearing impairment (ii) Running courses with guide runners for students with visual impairment

2. Submit the completed application form and activity proposal have to be submitted at least six weeks prior to the start of the activity. Applications can be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs (SA) via an online platform, email ( or in-person (WLB 401B, Shaw Campus, during office hours). The justifications and proposed measures to be adopted to accommodate the needs of SSEN in the respective category(s) have to be included. Successful applications would be confirmed by email.

3. Registered CIA has to include the wordings “Campus Inclusion Activities registered.” or “此活動已註冊為校園共融活動” in all promotional and publication materials.

4. Registered CIA would be promoted to SSEN in the respective SEN category(s) through the Unit for Students with Special Educational Needs, SA.

Application Form: Please click here to download the application form

Financial Subsidies

Activities registered as CIA (which target for students enrolled in UGC-funded programmes) could apply for financial subsidies.

Application Procedures:

Complete Section B of the application form and submit it together with the proposal and financial budget of the activities to SA by email ( or in-person (WLB 401B, Shaw Campus, during office hours). In the financial budget, all income and expenditure items, including the sources of subsidies and sponsorships, must be clearly stated. The application timeline should be carefully observed. Online submission of application is also available at

A confirmation letter will be sent to the student organizer by email when the application is approved. The acknowledgment of “Sponsored by: Hong Kong Baptist University Student Activities Fund” or “本活動由香港浸會大學學生活動基金贊助” must be put on all promotional and publication materials of the activities subsidized.

The reporting documents have to be submitted in hard copies (except photos) to the SA in-person (WLB 401B, Shaw Campus, during office hours) within one month upon the completion of the activity. The reporting documents should include the evaluation and details of the activity, the report on the arrangement for the inclusion of SSEN from the category(s) stated in the application, the summary on the assistance provided to the SSEN in the activity (if any), the financial report that clearly indicates the income and expenditure items, the original receipts (receipt copies for CIA which also applied for other subsidies from the SA), a completed Participant Form with Student Number and Full Name in English and at least six photos of the activity (by email to Failure of submitting reporting documents leads to the forfeiting of the subsidy allocation. The reimbursement of the subsidy amount will proceed after the confirmation of the reporting documents.

Funding Guidelines 

70% of the promotion and production costs, with a maximum of $1,000 per application

For CIA which fall into any of the subsidy categories in the Ear-marked Student Activities Fund or the Service-learning Student Activities Fund, the maximum amount of subsidy from this Programme shall not exceed the maximum amount of subsidy as stipulated in the funding guidelines of those two funds. For example, the maximum amount of the subsidy in this Programme towards CIA recognized academic weeks shall not exceed $500. Please read the funding guidelines of the Ear-marked Student Activities Fund and Service-learning Student Activities Fund.

CIA which applies for subsidies in this Programme may also apply for the Ear-marked Student Activities Fund or the Service-learning Student Activities Fund. The calculations of subsidy amounts are separated.

The total amount of subsidies must not exceed the total amount of deficit of the activity subsidized.

The SA may approve an extra amount of subsidy to CIA if the activity is proven to be beneficial to students, especially SSEN, at large.

The SA reserves the final rights on the decisions of subsidy allocation and guidelines amendment at any time as appropriate.

An additional 30% of subsidies OR a maximum of HK$1,500.00 per activity may be granted if such activity is organized by student organization(s) which have fulfilled the requirements of the CODE Programme. Each eligible student organization could ONLY make one application.


Activity organizers of all successful applications must, within one month upon completion of the programme, submit the following documents to the Office of Student Affairs.

Evaluation and details of the activity

Report on the arrangement for the inclusion of SSEN from the category(s) stated in the application

Summary on the assistance provided to SSEN in the activity (if any)

A financial report indicating income and expenditures clearly with original receipts

At least 6 photos of the activity (in soft copies, by email to

A completed Participant Form with Student Number and Full Name in English

A copy of a promotional or publication material of the activity showing the acknowledgment


For any enquires, please contact Ms. Kristen Mak of the Office of Student Affairs:
Phone: +852 3411 2312
Address: Room 401, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus