Special Educational Needs describe the needs of a student who has a difficulty which makes learning harder for them than typical ones. Students with SEN face academic challengers due to a disability or an impairment that can be a temporary or permanent condition.

There are direct and indirect disability discriminations. Direct disability discrimination means treating a person with a disability less favorably than another person without that disability, in comparable circumstances, on the ground of the disability. 

Indirect disability discrimination exists when a person applies the same requirement or condition to a person with a disability as well as to another person without the disability, but the outcome is detrimental to the person with the disability and the first mentioned person cannot show the requirement or condition to be justifiable. In such circumstances it is unlawful to treat a person with a disability and another person without the disability in the same way. This is because in some circumstances the person with the disability cannot comply with the requirement or condition due to the disability.

(Source: Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Code of Practice on Education, Equal Opportunity Commission)

There are some tips, available resources to support students with SEN from this website, please click here for details. Kindly encourage your groupmate to reach out to USSEN for assistance in appropriate manner.

Apply to be an Inclusion Student Ambassador! Please visit here to learn more!

Should one miss to declare the special educational needs during admission, student can contact Unit for Students with Special Educational Needs at 3411 2806 (e-mail: ussen@hkbu.edu.hk).

Applicants are required to submit the most recent medical proofs and supporting documents of the declared SEN (i.e. professional assessment reports, previous public examination or college special arrangements proof) in person.

The University offers specialized support for student with various conditions and disabilities. Those support services may include academic accommodations, special examination arrangements, modified campus facilities, assistive aids, counseling and career services, bursary and Scholarship.

SEN refers to the learners' unique individual learning needs when they face academic challenges and difficulties in adjusting the learning environment due to a disability or an impairment (sometimes can be multiple). Their conditions could be temporary or permanent.

Teaching and administrative staff members are advised to make referrals to formalize the helping process by encouraging the student to register the SEN with the University.

For students with disabilities and/or special educational needs (SEN) and wish to receive additional support and special arrangements, please follow the official SEN registration procedure in respective offices as follows: 

  • Register with the School of Continuing Education (SCE) if you are admitted into programmes offered by the School of Continuing Education (SCE) or the College of International Education (CIE) in HKBU. Enquiry: Click here
  • Register with the Graduate School if you are admitted into Research Postgraduate (RPG) programmes in HKBU. Enquiry: gs@hkbu.edu.hk.
  • Register with the Taught Postgraduate Studies Section of the Academic Registry if you are admitted into Taught Postgraduate (TPG) programmes in HKBU. Enquiry: 3411 5127, hkbu_tpg@hkbu.edu.hk
  • Register with the Academic Registry if you are admitted into Undergraduate (UG) programmes in HKBU. Please click here for the registration flow for undergraduate students. Enquiry: +852 3411 5838, ugs@hkbu.edu.hk

Teaching and administrative staff members are advised to make referrals to formalize the helping process by encouraging the student to register the SEN with the University.

For students with disabilities and/or special educational needs (SEN) and wish to receive additional support and special arrangements, please follow the official SEN registration procedure in respective offices as follows: 

  • Register with the School of Continuing Education (SCE) if you are admitted into programmes offered by the School of Continuing Education (SCE) or the College of International Education (CIE) in HKBU. Enquiry: Click here
  • Register with the Graduate School if you are admitted into Taught Postgraduate (TPG) or Research Postgraduate (RPG) programmes in HKBU.  Enquiry: 3411 5127, gs@hkbu.edu.hk
  • Register with the Academic Registry if you are admitted into Undergraduate (UG) programmes in HKBU. Please click here for the registration flow for undergraduate students. Enquiry: 3411 5838, ugs@hkbu.edu.hk

Course Instructors are encouraged to exercise the discretion by making reference from the approved list.

A.  Learning Support

   1. Special examination accommodation

  • Extra examination time allowance
  • Breaks during examinations
  • Special seating, separate examination venue
  • Allow for use of special equipment/technological aids
  • Different formats/substitution of assessment
  • Braille examination question paper

    2. Special Needs User Room in the Library equipped with various assistive software and hardware 

    3. On-loan service for assistive and technological devices

    4. Guidance and advice from Special Academic Advisor

    5. Special accommodation for the Healthy Lifestyle courses 

B. Campus Accessibility

  • Barrier-free facilities
  • Subsidies for purchase of individual use assistive aids

C. Other resources

  • Career consultation, preparation training and internship opportunities
  •  SEN scholarship and funding schemes 
  • Peer Support Programme

All university members are welcome to make suggestions and raise concerns of SEN related issues to the Unit for Students with Special Educational Needs (USSEN), Office of Student Affairs (SA). 

The Unit will bring up the issues to the Committee on Students with Special Educational Needs (CSSEN) where appropriate. 

For details of the terms of reference and membership composition, please click here