Explore the following resources that are designed to help staff develop an understanding of students with disabilities/special educational needs (SEN) and provide appropriate support to these students.
The contents and training materials on this website are meant for HKBU members’ reference only. Unless authorized by the Unit of Students with Special Educational Needs and/or the source owners, no duplication of videos and the materials is allowed.
Following the launch of Module One earlier, we are excited to introduce Module 2: Understanding SEN and Academic Adjustments! This Module is designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of various types of SEN and effective strategies to support learners with diverse needs.
1. Click the tag “Universities Login (via HKAF)” to log in to HKMOOC.
2. Select and complete Module 2: Understanding SEN and Academic Adjustments
3. Take a quiz of 10 MC questions.
4. Get a Certificate of Completion the day after completing the quiz.
Seminar Title: The Myth of Autism: Misunderstood Epidemic 打破自閉症迷思。理解「大A」行為
Date: 28 Feb 2022
Speaker: Mr Wallace LAU 劉國威先生 (恩齊爸)
Content: Wallace(恩齊爸)是「自閉兒生命建立發展社」的創辦人,兒子(恩齊 Joshua)是一位 20 歲患有自閉症和輕度智障的年青人。十多年裡 Wallace 接觸過不少自閉症人士,包括不同年齡、背景、能力和程度的,有被激死的,亦有被氹死的....... 透過此分享,他和同學們一起打破自閉症迷思,理解「大 A」行為。
Seminar Title: The Journey Under Pandemic: Things you might not know about ASD 「疫」風前行:你不知道自閉症的事
Date: 1 Apr 2022
Speaker: 鄭光言先生 協康會教育心理學家
Content: 講座邀請了教育心理學家分享:
Web/Mobile App Accessibility is to make sure that the contents of websites and mobile applications are available for all, including not only persons with disabilities but also persons with specific difficulties such as the elderly and persons beset with colour-blindness, cognitive and physical issues such as dyslexia, epilepsy, etc. An accessible website or mobile application not only helps deliver messages wider across but also improves the general usability for all users. It also helps build a caring and inclusive society.
Seminar Title: Web Accessibility Seminar 2021/22
Date: 24 Feb 2022
You may wish to access to the PowerPoint at here
Seminar Title: How Technology Facilitates Daily Life of People with Visual Impairment (Cantonese)
Date: 8 Mar 2022
Sarah Wong, 香港失明人協進會,傳訊團隊
Jerry Wong, 香港失明人協進會,「逍遙行」項目
志偉, 視障大使,愛好音樂和運動的退休人士
Sharing by person with Visual Impairment (VI) on how technology facilitates their daily lives and needs
Introduction of assistive tools, apps & barrier-free facilities
Tips of interacting with persons with VI
Demonstration of ""Smart City Walk"" (an indoor navigation app) at HKBU
Seminar Title: How Technology Facilitates Daily Life of People with Visual Impairment (English)
Date: 15 Mar 2022
Ms Soso Wu, Hong Kong Blind Union, Communications team
Mr Isaac Kwong, VI ambassador: Awardee of “Ten Outstanding Warriors of Regeneration”; An author, life mentor & coach
Mr Johnny Ngan, Hong Kong Blind Union, Smart City Walk & IT Applications demonstration
Mr Jerry Wong, Hong Kong Blind Union, Smart City Walk & IT Applications demonstration
Sharing by person with Visual Impairment (VI) on how technology facilitates their daily lives and needs
Introduction of assistive tools, apps & barrier-free facilities
Tips of interacting with persons with VI
Demonstration of ""Smart City Walk"" (an indoor navigation app) at HKBU