1. Which of the following may be the symptom(s) of an individual facing dyslexia?
A. Difficulty understanding the rhyming of words, such as knowing that fat rhymes with cat
B. Having difficulties organizing and managing time
C. Having troubles following a sequence of direction
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following condition(s) is/ are potentially related to dyslexia?
A. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
B. Dyscalculia
C. Dysgraphia
D. All of the above
3. Which of the following is NOT the best intervention for an individual diagnosed with dyslexia?
A. Speech and Language Therapy
B. Negligence
C. Assistive technology
D. Reading program and tutoring
4. Which of the following may be the possible negative consequence(s) of unaddressed dyslexia?
A. Marginalization
B. Juvenile Delinquency
C. Illiteracy
D. All of the above
5. Multisensory teaching practices are important to learners with dyslexia. Which of the following practice concerns “What is heard” primarily?
A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Kinesthetic
D. Tactile
6. Which of the following is/are the social and emotional issue(s) related to dyslexia?
A. Stress and Anxiety
B. Self-Image
C. Depression
D. All of the above
7. For individuals with dyslexia, reading a single word can be a struggle. Dyslexia also makes it hard to understand and remember what they have read. Which of the following reading comprehension skill(s) is challenging for individuals with dyslexia?
A. Connecting letters to sounds
B. Understanding the text
C. Reading fluently
D. All of the above
8. Determine whether the following statement is True / False.
Smart people cannot be dyslexic or have a learning disability.
A. True
B. False
9. Determine whether the following statement is True/ False.
Every individual who struggles with reading is dyslexic.
A. True
B. False