TANG Sai Fung, Postgraduate Diploma in Education English (Secondary Focus)
In the immersion programme, I was required to demonstrate two English lessons on teaching a grammar item and vocabulary items on a specific topic, respectively, in the last three weeks.
My two teaching practices were a grammar lesson on ‘will’ and ‘be going to’ based on the travelling theme and a vocabulary lesson on personality. I achieved two of my goals. First of all, I have improved my skills in guiding students by posing more concept-checking questions (CCQs) and I was able to pose instruction-checking questions (ICQs) in varied ways to make sure I made myself clear and students were on task in the lessons. Another outcome I achieved was to learn how to teach pronunciation in grammar lessons, for example, connected speech can be introduced when two vowels are connected.
One thing that the immersion programme failed to meet my expectations was the limited time for us to interact with local students. I expected to improve my English ability in oral, but I was given a few opportunities to practice my English on campus. The host university could have organised more activities for us to make friends with local students.
To enhance my English ability, I chatted with my host frequently and we talked about our jobs and daily lives. In terms of the grant, I spent it on some books and local tours about York.
Overall, the immersion programme was a fruitful experience for me to learn more about York and improve my teaching skills.