Entrepreneur-Day1 Entrepreneur-Day1

HKBU students shine at Entrepreneur Day 💫 🌟 ⭐ Entrepreneur Day (E-day) is HKTDC’s flagship start-up event that promotes entrepreneurship by offering a wealth of opportunities and tailored support services for start-ups. The HKBU Career Centre is pleased to participate in this flagship event, inviting eight promising student start-ups and innovation teams to showcase their projects at E-day. This event provides a valuable opportunity for start-up teams to build business networks, establish partnerships, and connect with investors. Our booth is located at Hall 1E – B08, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Come and visit us today from 9 am to 6 pm! 

浸大學生創業團隊在創業日大放異彩 ✨ ⭐ 🌟 創業日(E-day)是香港貿易發展局(HKTDC)的一個旗艦創業盛會,旨在推動創業,並為初創企業提供豐富的機會和量身訂做的支持服務。香港浸會大學事業策劃中心邀請了八個具潛力的學生初創企業和創新團隊在創業日展示他們的項目。這個活動為初創團隊提供了寶貴的機會,以建立商業網絡、建立夥伴關係和與投資者建立聯繫。 我們的展位位於香港會議展覽中心1E – B08。今天(上午9時至下午6時)歡迎來訪! 💫