The Whole Person Development Inventory is a self-rated psychological assessment tool for measuring tertiary student’s different aspects of holistic development.  It has 111 items which can be grouped into 15 factors.

  • Free of charge to use WPDI items in research.
  • For the use of eWPDI service, it is HK$26 for each test, which includes online test administration, scoring and reporting (individual student’s eProfile) on the eWPDI system.

Yes, WPDI has been used in longitudinal studies to monitor student’s WPD growth.  The recommended time lapse between test administrations is at least six months.

eWPDI is a web-based system for administering and scoring WPDI and generating WPDI eProfile.

No special qualification is required to administer the survey.  Students only have to follow the instructions on the questionnaire to complete the survey.

Two sets of WPDI norm:

  • Gender specific college norms for Hong Kong
  • Gender specific college norms for Taipei

Tertiary students in a Chinese context in the age range of 17 to 25.

Qualification Level B is required to provide in-depth interpretations on the WPDI results and reports.  Qualification Level B requires a master's degree in psychology, counselling, education, occupational therapy, social work, or in a field closely related to the intended use of the assessment, and formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological assessments.

English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese

Yes.  It is required to sign the Agreement of Terms and Conditions before using the WPDI.

10 - 15 minutes

WPDI is consisted of 15 factors, which can be selected individually for test administration targeting different research or evaluation purposes.  However, the full set of WPDI has to be completed in order to generate the personal WPDI eProfile.

Contact Us

If you have any question about WPDI, please let us know by

       1. Emailing to cdc@hkbu.edu.hk

       2. Calling at (852) 3411-7435


If you are interested in using WPDI, please fill out and return the Request Form to us.