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Shadman YAKUB 


Shadman YAKUB 
Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Computer Science [Computing and Software Technologies]

Hello everyone! I'm Shadman Yakub, an international student from Bangladesh. I am a Year-3 student at HKBU majoring in Computer Science. Due to my passion for exploring diverse culinary experiences, engaging with people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and my enthusiasm for physical fitness, sports, and trying out various cuisines, I have decided to select Hong Kong as my preferred study destination.

I am thrilled to be appointed as this year's cultural ambassador. It is a privilege to showcase the rich tapestry of cultures at our university, including my own, and foster global friendships. Whether you want to organise events or simply have a chat, feel free to reach out. Let's embark together on a journey to explore Hong Kong's vibrant culture and beyond. Excited to meet you all in the upcoming year!


Email to get in touch with Shadman!