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[UG] Green and Health Mindfulness Week ( 4 - 8 March 2019)

Green Living
04 - 08 MAR 2019

To promote the importance of maintaining green and health mindfulness, there will be four Green and Health Mindfulness weeks during the residential year.  The last round of Green and Health Mindfulness week will be on 4 - 8 March and there will be a few initiatives designed for you.

  • Green and Healthy Diet: During the Fruitful Day (4 Mar), you will receive a piece of fresh fruit from the Undergraduate Halls. 
  • Clean and Friendly Environment: Your Hall Tutor/ Resident Assistant will visit your room for assessment to the Hall Cleanliness Competition (4 - 8 Mar).  Residents from the room with the highest average scores of each floor will be awarded a cash prize of HKD$20 each.  Work with your roommates to maintain a comfortable living environment together.
  • Mindful Meditation and Stretching Workshop: Achy body? Struggling with stress? Life is all about balance. We are delighted to offer a Mindful Meditation and Stretching Workshop (4 Mar) for you. Register now: HERE
  • Waste No More, Recycle and Reuse: 
    Online Second-hand Items Exchange Platform: An online platform providing a convenient way for all BU Buddies to give away or resell their personal items to others for the sake of reducing the amount of solid waste being generated. You might be able to find your treasures on this platform as well :

We hope you have a fruitful week. Stay green and health mindfulness!

Programme Period
4-8 Mar 2019
Undergraduate Halls
Event details