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Outward Bound Training 2017

Experiential Learning Activity|CCL16170489

25 MAY 2017 | 31 MAY 2017
Hong Kong Outward Bound School
9:00 - 18:00
Sai Kung
Cantonese, English (Supplementary)
Corresponding GA(s)
Citizenship; Learning; Skills; Creativity; Teamwork
$1940.00 (Registration, insurance and deposit)
Campus Life & Support, Office of Student Affairs
Sponsored by the Providence Foundation, the Outward Bound Training 2017 will be organized during May 25-31, 2017. Co-organized with the Hong Kong Outward Bound School, this year the programme is providing a 7-day sea kayaking, hiking and sailing courses that feature rock climbing or high ropes course activities. This adventure-based experiential programme will offer you a life-changing experience which leads to self-challenge and discovery. Apply now if you are looking for an opportunity to unleash your potential and strengthen your leadership skill!