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Discovery Series 2022-2023

Office of Student Affairs presents the DISCOVERY Co-curricular Learning Series

Seminars and workshops organised in the first semester of 2022-2023 academic year on Tuesday afternoons (mostly) inspire you to discover those around you but unnoticed to you.





13 Sep 2022 (Tue)

Ming Gor, Owner of Pei Ho Counterparts
Mr. Chan Hung, Founder of Principal Chan Free Tutorial World

Ming Gor (Pei Ho Counterparts) X Principal Chan Free Tutorial World: Hardship and Happiness of Volunteering in Hong Kong
深水埗明哥 X 陳校長免費補習天地:助人話咁「義」

Ming Gor - the owner of "Pei Ho Counterparts" who portions meals to people in need in Hong Kong; Mr. Chan Hung (Principal Chan) was the Founder and Principal of a secondary school under the Direct Subsidy Scheme which specifically provides free tutorial services and other educational support to the under-privileged children. They share the same spirit of Hong Konger - "all in the same boat". They wish to use their experience to bring joy and warmness to the society. In the seminar, these two unsung heroes will share the hardship and happiness of volunteering in Hong Kong. They will also talk about how the Covid-19 affect their volunteer service.
陳灼明,人稱「深水埗明哥」,為「北河同行」的店主,多年來派飯予有需要的市民;陳葒,曾為直資中學校長,十多年前卻毅然放棄高薪厚職,創立了「陳校長免費補習天地」,致力為本地基層兒童提供免費的學業及教育支援。「為善最樂」― 一直以來,明哥和陳校長發揮著香港人同舟共濟的精神,並堅信生命影響生命,盼望以自身經歷感染更多人共同為社會帶來溫暖。在這場講座中,這兩位無名英雄將會分享他們為基層市民雪中送炭的苦與樂,同時亦會探討疫情對義務工作的影響,務求為同學上一堂寶貴的社會課。

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20 Sep 2022 (Tue)

Mr. Raymond Li
Head, Department of Journalism, HKBU
Professor of Practice

Have You Fact Checked Today?
你今日Fact Check咗未?

Fake news and misinformation are all around us. Just before you press the button to share around, have you ever questioned its validity, and deliberated its source and content? Mr. Raymond Li, Head, Department of Journalism of HKBU and Adviser of HKBU FactCheck Service will share on techniques of Fact Check with his senior experience in media and journalism. Let’s learn to be a wise netizen, equip ourselves with a critical mindset in the mass flow of information and news.
網絡世界謠言滿天飛,在按下分享一刻之前,你有否認真 Fact check 過消息的真與假?香港浸會大學新聞系主任及事實核查中心的顧問李文先生將分享如何避免成為散播不實資訊的幫兇,學習分辨真假資訊的技巧,做個明智數碼公民。

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27 Sep 2022 (Tue)
Central Market

A Comeback After 18 Years: Central Market Tour
活現眼前:中環街市導賞團 (Group A)

Central Market, a Grade III historic building, has been frozen in time since its cease of operation 18 years ago. With the revitalization to a “Playground for All”, its come-back presents to us a heritage that carries historic fragments and embodies future vision. Let’s experience this vivid “Playground’ and the artistic neighborhood with the introduction from professional guides.

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11 Oct 2022 (Tue)
Central Market

A Comeback After 18 Years: Central Market Tour
活現眼前:中環街市導賞團 (Group B)

Central Market, a Grade III historic building, has been frozen in time since its cease of operation 18 years ago. With the revitalization to a “Playground for All”, its come-back presents to us a heritage that carries historic fragments and embodies future vision. Let’s experience this vivid “Playground’ and the artistic neighborhood with the introduction from professional guides.

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11 Oct 2022 (Tue)
Mr. Pasu Ng
​Founder of RIP (一切從簡)


Before and After Death: Live a Positive Life

If there was only little time before your death, what would you like to do? Who would you like to meet and bid the last farewell? It is always until the moment of loss that we learn to treasure and cherish. Being alive, there may still be opportunities to re-correct our mistakes; after death, there will only be regrets and sorrow. It is never too late to learn about life and death, and think about the meanings of your life. Through this session, we can review regrets left in the past, and rethink about the attitude to face the future days, leaving no regrets when death comes.
假如你知道自己即將死去,在最後的時光你會想做甚麼?跟誰共處呢? 我們往往在失去後才懂珍惜。若我們仍然在世,也許痛定思過後,仍有機會填補遺憾,可人生只有一趟,死後便一去不返,讓我們一起了解生命的脆弱和渺小,直視死亡及探討生命的意義。這一次的活動將帶我們回望過去,了解我們生命中錯過的事情,並思考在往後的日子裡應該如何面對及計劃人生,待死亡來臨時也不枉此生。

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18 Oct 2022 (Tue)
Ms. Man Wah 文華女士

The Beauty of Cantonese Opera

Cantonese opera is a traditional art form in which many elders enjoy and appreciate. But have you recognized more and more young faces appear on stages, in succeeding the essence of this intangible cultural heritage? The spoken lines of Cantonese opera reveal profound lexical structure and literary aesthetics, in which traditional culture and virtue are embedded with. In this seminar, CAAHK will guide us in exploring the literary values of this performing arts, and a chance to read and sing the lines so as to experience the hidden beauty of Cantonese opera.
粵劇是一種傳統的表演藝術,亦是許多老人家的興趣和消遣,但僅僅是長者們的娛樂嗎?其實近年已經越來越多年輕一輩加入粵劇行列,傳承這項非物質文化遺產。粵劇的曲詞展現豐富的文學意象和造詣,言簡意深、字字珠璣,並深蘊傳統美學與美德。 是次活動希望通過粵劇的曲詞,讓同學從另一角度了解粵劇,並嘗試親身讀唱曲詞,深入體會粵劇和中國文學的瑰麗之處。

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25 Oct 2022 (Tue)
Dr. Jason Ho
Senior Service-Learning Consultant, CISL, HKBU

Love & Relationships: Discover Your Love Formula

Every unique individuals have their own mindset and values. The combination of two sparks different chemistry and ways of communication between couples. Love can lost in translation even between the most intimated couples. Are you sure you have spoken to the heart of your loved one?

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1 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Vivek Mahbubani (阿V)

Handbook for Stand Up Comedy

What characters and preparation are needed to be a stand up comedian? And how can we accumulate more related experience and even get into this industry? It is our pleasure to have Mr. Vivek Mahbubani to be our guest speaker. He will be here to resolve your questions and teach you about the techniques of body language and storytelling skills of a comedian. If you are interested in stand up comedy, this is a golden opportunity that you can not miss!
在香港要成為一位棟篤笑的表演者需要有甚麼準備及特質,如何才能入行? 我們很榮幸邀請到啊V來解答大家的疑惑,同時傳授大家一些表演棟篤笑的技巧。有興趣的同學記得不要錯過!

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8 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Ms. Yeung Siu Fong 楊小芳小姐

Formula for Life: Inspiration from a Life Warrior

Life is a journey of calculation. Some count their days by subtraction as we only live once. Yet, by accumulating love from friends and family, some see life as a sum of goodness. Yang Xiaofang, speaker of this seminar, unfortunately lost both arms in an accident when she was a child. Even though her life is full of thorns, she "walked out" an extraordinary life with her feet. In this seminar, this life fighter will share her own experience with us in the hope of exploring all the possibilities in our life.
生命是一道算術題,有人認為人生應以減法計算,因為人的一生只有一次,活一天便減少一天;然而有些人卻會以加法計算,親情、友情等的積累,成就了人生中的美好與幸福。兒時的一埸意外令楊小芳不幸失去雙臂,縱使荊棘滿途,她卻用自己的雙腳走出不平凡的人生。在這場講座中,這名生命鬥士將會分享自身的經歷,希望與同學共同發掘生命中的種種可能。 Read more

15 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Prof. Victor Wong 
Professor, Department of Social Work, HKBU

Hidden Youths Behind the Door

There is a popular slang “I think I am Zero” appeared on memes, meaning one is "good-for-nothing". But beyond this, how much do you know about the social phenomenon of hidden youths this slang reveals to us? NEET, the acronym for "Not in Education, Employment, or Training", describes a person who detaches from any kind of social activities and interactions. The state of self-isolation is found related to their previous failures and unbearable pressures in life. As a part of the society, how can we treat and help them in a correct way?

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29 Nov 2022 (Tue)


How Much Do You Know about Weed?

Known as an aid of relaxation and a natural remedy for ailments, CBD has gained its popularity in recent years, and in particular, among young people. With inadequate awareness and misinformation, people may easily reach for CBD products, prompting worries of drug abuse and health hazards. The talk aims to introduce the background of CBD products in Hong Kong, differentiate cannabis, THC and CBD, and explicate the reasons and future policy of controlling CBD.

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22 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Ms. Wong Ching Yi
Social Work Supervisor of Caritas Infinity Teens

Tips and Traps on Social Networking

Social distancing under pandemic has kept people apart. Dating sites and social media thus become the platform where lonely hearts hunt for virtual relations and search for the only love in life. At the same time, more and more romance scams emerge. This seminar will identify common pitfalls of romance scams and equip you with the skills of online social networking. Dating or defrauding? Let’s find out in this seminar!
隨着互聯網日益便利,各大社交平台的使用人數隨之增加,加上疫情影響,越來越多人選擇網上交友。近年更加有不少人選擇透過網上平台認識另一半,尋找一生至愛。 但是隨着越來越多人使用網上交友平台,亦同時出現不少網上情緣騙案。是次活動希望透過正確的網上交友教育,為同學說明網上交友的必殺技和陷阱,讓同學在安全的環境下結交朋友。

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15 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong

Adventure in the City

Has it been a long time since your body was last stretched and warmed up? Here comes the chance to exercise your body and forge team spirit at YM Adventure. The adventure-based training includes various exciting experiential activities, such as rope course and “Lizard Wall”. If you wish to overcome your personal boundaries, welcome to join with your friends!
是不是很久沒有伸展過筋骨? 現在你有機會可以報名參加YMCA歷奇樂園的歷奇訓練。歷奇訓練設有多個關卡,例如繩網體驗活動及蜥蜴攀爬。歡迎一些喜愛刺激或想挑戰自己的同學一起來破關,亦歡迎你們和你的好友一同報名。名額有限報名從速。

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