News & Announcement
JobMarket Recruitment and Education Fair「啟」動新機遇招聘進修展, 4-5 October 2018
04 - 05 OCT 2018「啟」動新機遇招聘進修展
日期:10月4及5日 (星期四、五)
時間:11AM – 6PM
查詢熱線:3181 3322
招聘專區- 免費履歷表諮詢 (Six People Map Consultancy Limited駐場諮詢)
- 醫療輔助隊代表駐場諮詢
- 多間知名人氣企業作即場面試
- 網羅大量全職、兼職及短期之最新筍工
- 全日及兼制課程
- 職業英語課程
- 亞洲劍擊學院(香港)教練總監 謝宇明先生—劍擊從此不「離地」
- GLOW Makeup Academy Ms. Janice Lam—見工必備: 高清專業面試妝
- 職業訓練局 曾獻豪先生—“髮”路由我闖
- We Do Search Mr. Dominus Mok—身心健康知多D
- 2018男子花劍亞洲劍擊錦標賽冠軍 張小倫先生—劍壇「男神」成亞洲冠軍之路
- 香港伸展運動治療中心 Mr. Allen Chow—辦公室伸展運動
- Interview Hero Ms. Ada Lee & Maclean’s Group Mr. Eddie Suen—拆解面試及求職形象攻略
- 醫療輔助隊 Mr. LEE Fat-keung—醫療輔助隊簡介
- Excel Pro Limited, Mr. Arthur Kwok—Excel & Powerpoint見工面試秘技2018
[KKBOX HK] Introducing Our Campus Ambassador Program
03 - 11 OCT 2018Dear students,
We sincerely introduce you the first ever KKBOX Campassador program! KKBOX Campassador is a 360-degree brand experience tailor-made for you. If you are a music-lover, don’t miss out the chance for this event which offers :- All-you-can-listen music with KKBOX verified STAR account
- First-hand information to KKBOX LIVE concerts and events
- A chance to join 14th KKBOX Music Awards study tour to Taiwan
- Official program certificate
- Internship opportunity at KKBOX HK Office
If you are interested, don't hesitate to stop by our recruitment booth to learn more!
Date: October 11th, 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 12nn - 5pm
Location: Li Promenade
See you soon!
Facebook post/
【KKBOX校園大使招募】KKBOX 今年首屆舉辦,為大學生度身訂造全方位嘅品牌體驗計劃,畀你音樂無限聽,仲可以直擊音樂會後台同飛去台灣參加亞洲樂壇盛事「KKBOX風雲榜」!KKBOX嚟緊仲會到校園攤位宣傳,有興趣嘅記得到時去玩喇~
[KKBOX Campassadors WANTED] KKBOX Campassador is a 360-degree brand experience tailor-made for you, which offers all-you-can-listen music, backstage experience of music concerts, and even a study tour to Taiwan to join our KKBOX Music Awards! Don't hesitate to stop by their recruitment booth if you're interested!
Date: October 11th, 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 12nn - 5pm
Location: Li Promenade
Inter-school Innovation Competition on Insurance Technology: Life Can Be Insured
03 OCT - 01 NOV 2018Inter-school Innovation Competition on Insurance Technology: Life Can Be Insured
In regard to the captioned, the students of tertiary institutions are cordially invited to participate the “Inter-school Innovation Competition on Insurance Technology: Life Can Be Insured”, which is organised by the FSTB, and supported by the VTC and the Cyberport. The competition is also one of the publicity activities under the Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Insurance Sector.
The competition offers a good opportunity for students to expose to a large-scaled Hackathon, get insights on the one of the hottest business trends, win a scholarship of up to HK$100,000 per team, as well as to get a fast track interview opportunity for the Cyberport Entrepreneurship Programmes. Participants will be required to develop an InsurTech solution prototype with basic functions in the Hackathon and pitch the idea to the judging panel.
Aside from the Hackathon to be held on 24 – 25 November 2018, students could also sign up for a free workshop on 13 October 2018 to learn the latest technology trend and skills, and meeting mentors from the industry. For more information about the workshop and the competition, please refer to the below flyer and the event website:
Secretariat of the Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Insurance Sector
Vocational Training Council -
4th Hong Kong Digital Advertising Industry Fresh Graduate Support Scheme - 1st Career Talk
28 SEP 20184th Hong Kong Digital Advertising Industry Fresh Graduate Support Scheme - 1st Career Talk
The Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing Limited (HKAIM) organizes the 4th Hong Kong Digital Advertising Industry Fresh Graduate Support Scheme (the “Support Scheme”) from 2018 to 2021.
Senior management from digital advertising companies are coming to share with you on the industry development trends, types of jobs that are available in the market, as well as job requirements and career prospects of the industry. Come join us to get the up-to-date industry news!
1. Mr. Bernie Wong - Founder, Social Stand Limited
2. Miss. Diana Kwok - Digital Marketing Manager, Hotmob Limited
3. Mr. Garron Chiu - Assistant Strategic Planning Director, Isobar Hong Kong
Date: 28 Sep 2018 (Friday)
Time: 1830 – 2030
Venue: Room No. 1614, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building (AC2), City University of Hong Kong
Don't miss the chance, for registration: -
21 SEP - 21 OCT 20182019光線傳媒校園招聘資訊發佈(望您能夠儘快回復) - Poster
Closing date: 21 Oct 2018