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  • Career

    Career Friday

    18 FEB - 01 JUL 2021


  • Career

    香港生涯規劃協會, 亞太創建機遇委員會及香港青年領袖學院-2021暑期實習計劃

    10 - 28 FEB 2021

    香港生涯規劃協會, 亞太創建機遇委員會及香港青年領袖學院-2021暑期實習計劃

    廈門- 7月12日 - 8月12日(32日)

    泉州- 7月12日 - 8月12日(32日)

    天津- 7月19日 - 8月19日(32日)

    成都- 7月26日 - 8月26日(32日)

    北京- 6月25日 - 7月26日(32日)/ 7月19日 - 8月19日(32日)/6月25日 - 8月7日(44日)
    - 北京專業服務實習計劃;
    - 創‧出未來 北京多媒體及創新企業實習體驗計劃;
    - 敢創‧夢將來 北京多媒體及創新企業實習體驗計劃

    - 廈門、泉州:$0(費用全免),原價$900 (已包來回高鐵、住宿、參訪等費用)、另收按金$1000*;
    - 天津:$500,原價$1,500 (已包來回機票、住宿、參訪等費用)、另收按金$1000*;
    - 北京、成都:$500,原價$1,900 (已包來回機票、住宿、參訪等費用)、另收按金$1000*

    名額:每團30至40人不等 (*參加者需經面試挑選)

    1.香港及當地關口封閉 或
    2.保安局對當地發出黑色旅遊警示 或
    3.香港限制該省市人民入境 或
    4.民政事務局及青年發展委員會(資助機構)確定取消計劃 。

  • Career

    Young Talent Virtual Internship Experience Programme (VIE)

    10 FEB - 15 APR 2021
    Young Talent Virtual Internship Experience Programme (VIE)

    Young Talent Virtual Internship Experience Programme (VIE)

    • 18 to 30 years old
    • Undergraduate/Postgraduate of universities or tertiary institutions
    • Any academic field and year of study

    Programme Duration
    • Feb to May 2021
    • Varying among host companies (indication: minimum 100 working hours)

    Programme Fee
    • HK$3,800.-

    Application Deadline: until the quota is full


    [HKBU will provide a lump sum of HK$1,900 subsidy to each participating student (*applicable to UGC funded undergraduates only) after the completion of internship with satisfactory performance. All the quotas will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.]

  • Career

    Invitation to participate in HKUYA SEN GBA workshop (23 Feb)

    09 - 21 FEB 2021
    Invitation to participate in HKUYA SEN GBA workshop (23 Feb)

    Invitation to participate in HKUYA SEN GBA workshop (23 Feb)

    HKUYASEN will be joining EDUHK to host a GBA workshop on 23 Feb (Tues) at 6:00pm. This workshop will mainly focus on understanding more about the opportunities and possibly challenges that lies ahead for those who wish to pursue entrepreneurship opportunities in the GBA. Through this workshop we hope to share some pointers and share from experience how to make good use of the current policies and any danger to be avoided.

  • Career

    [Summer Internship] Hong Kong Broadband Network- Summer Innovator Programme 2021

    04 FEB - 15 MAR 2021

    Hong Kong Broadband Network
    Summer Innovator Programme 2021 - “Ignite your Passion, Jumpstart a Purposeful Career”

    The pandemic may might have shifted your way of living, but it could also be that you got some epiphanies and made  you appreciate more things around you. This summer, instead of just looking for a potential internship offer to fill up the  gap on your CV, you can also consider looking for more fulfilment and purpose in your work and live your life to the  fullest.   

    With HKBN’s core purpose to ‘Make our Home a Better Place to Live’, we consider profit to be a subset of PURPOSE and  we run HKBN for PURPOSE. Apart from a wide range of business exposure in your preferred working department, we will  have our ‘Summer Innovator’ to explore purposeful initiatives including creating innovations for CUSTOMERS,  maximizing Total Rewards for HKBN TALENTS, fostering win-win partnership with SUPPLIERS, utilizing our technology  and expertise to drive COMMUINTY betterment and striving for ENVIRONMENTAL excellence.   

    Be ready to jump out of the comfort zone and be an inspired head-start for your career. Our programme has been  adventurously designed to mould our young Talents into future leaders through finding a purposeful career. The world is  constantly changing, but there are still ways to become the best version of yourself here and now. At HKBN, we hope  you will be excited about what you’re doing, and value the end goal that would create a better impact.  

    We light up your HKBN Journey:   
    • The choice is yours! Choose your preference of department you would like to join including Corporate 
    Communications/ Marketing, Business Development/ Corporate Sales, Customer Services / Sales Support, Digital 
    Transformation, Information Security, Information Technology, Legal & Regulatory, Network Technology, Talent 
    Engagement (Human Resources) and more….  

    • Take one step forward to go beyond laws and regulations so that we can all get upgraded and achieve great 
    success together for our 5 core stakeholders including Customers, Suppliers, Talents, Environment and 

    • Drive different initiatives with our Business Partners e.g. Mother’s choice and be the community leaders in 
    generating new ideas and to drive HKBN’s core purpose - “Make our home a better place to live”. Potential 
    secondment to Mother’s Choice too during internship for selected summer innovators for further crossover 

    • Engage with elite business leaders and shadow our senior management to harness their entrepreneurial 

    • Experience HKBN unique Talent-First culture during the 8-week innovation journey  

    We are hungry for Talents who are:   
    ✓ University students from Year 1 to Year 4  
    ✓ Open to all disciplines (we welcome you to challenge yourselves and choose an interest of field which is different from your field of study as long as you can show how you fit the role)  

    ✓ Excited about exchanging ideas with elite teammates in different regions as we will have Summer Innovator hired in Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia office 

    ✓ Internship period: from mid/ late June to late August (around 8 weeks)  

    If you are interested in this opportunity, please CLICK HERE to share with us your CV and engage in a simple  application process   
    Application link: