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Research and Publication

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Ng, P., Su, X., Lai, G., Chan, D., Ho, E., Chan, V., Leung, H., Kwan, V., & Li, C. (2016). A holistic model of student development: The validation of Whole Person Development Inventory for college students in Hong Kong. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 0748175615625748.

Conference Presentation

Lai, G., Ng, P., Ho, E., Chan, D., Su, S., Chan, V., Leung, H., Kwan, V., & Li, C. (2013, April). The development and validation of the Whole Person Development Inventory for tertiary students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Chan, D., Kwan, V., & Li, C. (2014, November). Whole Person Development Inventory for undergraduate students in Hong Kong: Psychometric properties and normative data. Paper presented at the 6th Summit Forum on Guidance and Counselling of Cross-Strait Colleges com The 2015 Academic Seminar in Guidance and Counselling of Chinese Community, Taipei, Taiwan. (Outstanding Poster Presentation Award)

Cheung, W., & Li, C. (2014, November). Xinli xiaoneng fazhan: "jiaoxuexiangzhang" xuexi moshi (xinli fuwu jiaoliu tuan) de cheng xiao [Effectiveness of psychological service trip on the development of student's psychological competency]. Paper presented at the 6th Summit Forum on Guidance and Counselling of Cross-Strait Colleges com The 2015 Academic Seminar in Guidance and Counselling of Chinese Community, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Media Coverage


Newspaper Interview